The fruit of our labor grows on the trees of others. #
It’s a common refrain here at the Murdock Trust, because it’s true. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without the amazing nonprofits we partner with. When they thrive, our mission succeeds.

It’s a great picture of the importance of collaboration, and one area of collaboration we focus on is forming unconventional coalitions—bringing groups together that might not otherwise cross paths. When groups that have ideological differences or that work in different sectors come together, they’re able to address a common issue more effectively, and research shows that communities thrive.
As we celebrate the milestone of investing $1 billion in communities around the Pacific Northwest and reflect on these last 44 years, we see unconventional coalitions at work all around our region. But we only need to look in our own backyard to see evidence of uncommon collaborations having great impact. Our CFO, Mike True, recently elaborated on this and some of the great work happening in Vancouver, Washington, in the Vancouver Business Journal.
The post The Impact of Unconventional Coalitions appeared first on M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust.