The Murdock Trust is committed to the flourishing of all Pacific Northwest communities. During certain months of the year, we join those honoring the contributions, successes, and challenges of specific groups among us. February is Black History Month, and though the Trust is invested in listening to and uplifting our African American neighbors throughout the year, we are grateful for a dedicated moment to share some of our grantees doing impactful work within the Black community of the Pacific Northwest.

As our country honors the profound impact that Black individuals have made on the history and current moment of our nation, we at the Murdock Trust have a unique opportunity to celebrate the work of nonprofits that uplift and serve this community daily. From creating equal education opportunities to preparing youth for critical careers to strengthening lives through mentorships, nonprofits across our region support and celebrate our Black community in ways that work toward lasting change. Here are just a few such groups we were honored to support through grants in 2023:

Supporters and members of Alaska Black Caucus in Juneteenth celebration holding signs and smiling
Alaska Black Caucus
Four men and one woman dressed in business professional attire standing in front of an AYCO sign smiling
African Youth & Community Organization
Two male students working on a STEM project together
iUrban Teen

Communities flourish when all members have a chance to thrive. We are grateful to have a front-seat view to transformative work toward enabling flourishing for all in our region, and specifically to celebrate the support and success of our Black neighbors today. May your good work continue as you build on the legacy of those who came before you, and work toward a brighter future for all.