M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust

2021 Women in Leadership Conference

Welcome to the 2021 Virtual Conference!

We’re excited for the virtual Women in Leadership Conference and have some exciting things planned. Below you’ll find a schedule for our time together, the Zoom meeting information, resources, and other general information.

If you have any questions, please contact us at womeninleadership@murdocktrust.org or 360-694-8415.

Zoom Meeting Information


The following resources are available for your use, but please give credit to where it’s due


Wednesday, May 5 (All times are PST)

12:50pm | Meeting Room Opens/Tech Check

  • As you join, please be sure to rename yourself in Zoom to include your first name, last name, and organization so others can get to know you and we can assign you to the right breakout rooms

1:00pm | Welcome Session

  • Welcome, introductions and quick breakouts

1:45pm | Session 2

  • Integrated leadership with mind, heart, strength

3:00pm | Break

  • Please stay connected to Zoom, if possible

3:15am | Session 3

  • Leadership challenges | Small groups

4:15pm | Closing Meditation & Announcements

4:45pm | Adjourn

  • See you tomorrow at 9:00am PST

Thursday, May 6 (All times are PST)

8:55am | Meeting Room Opens/Tech Check

  • As you join, please be sure to rename yourself in Zoom to include your first name, last name, and organization so others can get to know you and we can assign you to the right breakout rooms

9:00am | Guided Scripture Meditation/Prayer

9:30am | Small Group Breakouts

9:45am | Session 4

  • Why we need mystery and strategy | GROW framework

11:15am | Break

  • Please stay connected to Zoom, if possible

11:30am | Fishbowl Coaching

  • Small group breakouts

12:30pm | Lunch Break

  • Make sure to use your Grubhub credit and enjoy a lunch break

1:30pm | Session 5

  • Leadership challenges | Small groups

3:30pm | Closing Meditation & Announcements

4:15pm | Adjourn

  • See you tomorrow at 9:00am PST

Friday, May 7 (All times are PST)

8:55am | Meeting Room Opens/Tech Check

  • As you join, please be sure to rename yourself in Zoom to include your first name, last name, and organization so others can get to know you and we can assign you to the right breakout rooms

9:00am | Guided Scripture Meditation/Prayer

9:30am | Small Group Breakouts

9:45am | Session 6

  • Case studies | Engaging with discouragements, failures, and derailments

10:45am | Final Small Group Breakouts

11:45am | Wrap-Up

  • Closing comments and blessing

12:00pm | Adjourn

1:00pm | Optional: Grant Opportunities Conversation

Tech Tips

Here are a few things to think about before and when you join:

  1. Choose a well-lit, quiet location where you will have good internet access.
  2. If joining with others from your team in the same location (on a large screen), you may all participate by having one person join the meeting.
  3. After joining the Zoom meeting, please make sure to rename yourself so that your first name, last name, and organization appear.
    • Note: You may have to redo this if you disconnect from the meeting and rejoin.
  4. If you have any questions about Zoom or how to navigate the platform, please see these video tutorials.
  5. If you have any emergency issues or questions, please contact either Amy Dickerson at (661) 319-2989 or Conner Peckham at (503) 720-5071.
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