If you see a project of interest at an institution in your area, (and you are qualified to participate in this program – see Partners in Science Guidelines here) please contact the researcher to discuss a potential partnership.
If you are interested in the program but don’t see a project that would match your interest, please call or email a Research Institution Contact at an institution in your area (see Research Institution Contacts at website above) to request help in finding a scientist who is doing research more closely matching your interest.
If you have any questions, please contact Kim Newman at kimn@murdocktrust.org or 360-694-8415.
Potential Mentor Research Projects #
This list of potential projects will be updated periodically. Mentorships are listed by states, in alphabetical order: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. Click the row to expand and view more information.
*If you are a Pacific Northwest researcher/mentor and not currently on the list below, please submit your information here.
State: Alaska
Contact: Jonathan Stecyk, Department oftd Sciences
Email: jstecyk@uaa.alaska.edu
Website: http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/biology/facultyandstaff/stecyk.cfm
Project Description: Professor Stecyk is a comparative physiologist whose primary area of research is discerning physiological mechanisms that enable the hearts of some animals to function for hours to weeks without oxygen. His main study species are the freshwater turtle, goldfish and Alaska blackfish. Professor Stecyk's lab has the capacity to conduct research from the level of the whole animal (i.e., measure cardiovascular function in live animals), tissue (i.e., isolated hear preparations), cell (i.e., electrophysiology/patch-clamping), and gene (i.e. measuring gene expression).
State: Alaska
Contact: Liliya Vugmeyster, Assistant Professor,td of Chemistry
Email: lvugmeyster@uaa.alaska.edu
Project Description: Professor Vugmeyster's interdisciplinary research investigates flexibility (dynamics) of protein molecules, which is believed to be important for their ability to perform various biological functions. Her research employs tools from chemistry, physics, biology, math, and computer science. In particular, students in her group learn aspects of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, computational modeling, and protein folding.
State: Alaska
Contact: Rachel Shively
Email: rdshively@alaska.edu
Phone: 907-474-5031
Project Description: Rachel has already started working with the Lower Yukon School District on the citizen science component of the project. She has also made some contacts in the Fairbanks School District and should be able to host someone locally. Little Brown bats are found in the lower 48 but are new to Alaska. We want to know the distribution of these bats in interior Alaska. The Yukon drainage is a natural corridor with several communities that can provide information by reporting sightings and by setting up roost boxes for bats. Bats are small animals that are vulnerable to the low temperatures in Alaska. We want to know how long these animals can stay active in Alaska and if they are using winter roosts in the State. Rachel will be locating roosts and monitoring temperatures and diets through summer. The project includes presentations to communities and schools, field work to capture bats and lab work to analyze diets.
State: Alaska
Contact: Anupma Prakash, Professor, Remotetd Geology and Geophysics
Email: prakash@gi.alaska.edu
Phone: 907-474-1897
Website: http://www.gi.alaska.edu/~prakash
Project Description: Professor Prakash's research interest is in using data collected from satellites, aircrafts, and in the field to study the Earth. In terms of High School Science curricula this best fits under their teaching efforts in geography, environmental science, mapping, spatial orientation (geometry) and scientific methods. Examples of some of the past activities that tie the research to high school education (teachers and students) can be seen at http://www2.gi.alaska.edu/~prakash/outreach/index.html
State: Alaska
Contact: Elisabeth Nadin, Assistant Professor,td
Email: enadin@alaska.edu
Phone: 907-474-5181
Project Description: I am interested in how rocks deform in the middle and lower parts of Earth's crust. Most of my focus is on the natural environment, so I study the roots of fault zones that are now exposed at the surface, through erosion or uplift. I sample the rocks in the field-here in AK I am looking into the deep levels of the Talkeetna Arc-and then bring them back to the lab to study. I use microscopes to examine the deformed minerals, and the microprobe to study chemical compositions.
State: Alaska
Contact: Uma Bhatt
Email: usbhatt@alaska.edu
Phone: 907-474-2662
Project Description: Climate Variability in Alaska: We as humans are most interested in what our climate will be this season and possibly the next season. To improve our forecasts for seasonal and shorter time-scale prediction, we must understand the key processes that cause our climate. This involves analyzing long term observations of sea ice, sea level pressure, ocean temperatures, and other variables. From the analysis of the observations, one develops a possible mechanism, which is then tested by additional observational data analysis and modeling.
State: Alaska
Contact: Lawrence K. Duffy, Ph.D., Professor oftd & Biochemistry, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Email: lkduffy@alaska.edu
Phone: 907-474-7525
Project Description: Dr. Lawrence Duffy is current working on the question of how the central nervous system protects itself from these contaminants, especially considering the extreme environment of the Arctic. His group has observed a significant variation in melatonin levels in Alaskans and has demonstrated that melatonin can reduce free radical damage which has major implications for the prevention and treatment of stroke. Current research projects also include developing a dog model as a sentinel species for the arctic and a mouse model to determine the effects of mercury and arsenic on neurogenesis.
State: Alaska
Contact: Julie Schram
Email: jbschram@alaska.edu
Phone: (907) 796-6599
Website: https://uas.alaska.edu/dir/jbschram.html
Project Description: I am an integrative biologist with an interest in how environmental factors influence organismal physiology and trophic ecology. I am currently working on projects that utilize biomarkers such as fatty acids to better understand food web connects and I am especially interested in interactions between primary producers and consumers. My research has focused on the effects of ocean acidification, the reduction in seawater pH due to the increased absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide, on benthic invertebrates, from tropical and temperate to polar systems. I am currently working on projects at the University of Alaska Southeast that involve local, Lynn Canal species and their responses to ocean acidification and warming. I am particularly interested in working with economically and ecologically important invertebrate and seaweed species.
State: Alaska
Contact: Jerzy Maselko, Chemistry Department
Email: jmaselko2@uaa.alaska.edu
Phone: 907-786-4697
Project Description: Professor Maselko is conducting research on the Chemical Garden funded by the NSF. He has discovered new complex structures and behaviors that put them between the nonliving and living matter and are related to the origin of life. He and his group have already published 12 papers in high quality journals. These research are perfect for high students to teach them about complex chemical structures, properties and chemical evolution and attract them to science.
State: Idaho
Contact: Dmitri A. Tenne
Email: dmitritenne@boisestate.edu
Phone: 208-426-1633
Website: http://www.boisestate.edu/physics/tenne/
Project Description: Research area: multifunctional oxide and semiconductor materials and nanostructures for electronic and optoelectronic applications. Metal oxides are a vast class of materials that have a wide variety of properties. They can be dielectrics, semiconductors, superconductors; possess piezoelectricity, ferroelectricity, ferromagnetism, nonlinear-optical and electro-optical properties, colossal magnetoresistance, etc. This opens huge opportunities for novel device applications of these materials. Artificially engineered nanostructures, e.g. strained ultrathin films and superlattices made of oxide materials, open new ways to manipulate their properties. I apply optical spectroscopic techniques (Raman, photoluminescence) to study the fundamental physical properties of these materials.
State: Idaho
Organization: University of Idaho
Contact: Matthew Bernards
Email: mbernards@uidaho.edu
Phone: 208-885-2150
Website: https://www.uidaho.edu/engr/departments/chbe/our-people/faculty/matthew-bernards
Project Description: Our group is focused on the development and evaluation of polymeric biomaterials for applications in a broad range of biomedical systems. This includes efforts to develop immune evasive biomaterials, scaffolds for tissue engineering, and new biosensor platforms.
State: Idaho
Contact: Kasia Duellman, Entomology, Planttd & Nematology
Email: kduellman@uidaho.edu
Phone: 208-757-5476
Website: https://webpages.uidaho.edu/extension-seed-potato/
Project Description: We conduct applied research that focuses on how to manage diseases that affect potatoes. Our research takes place in small field plots at the Aberdeen Research & Extension Center in southeast Idaho, and in the greenhouse and lab at our Idaho Falls Research & Extension Center facility in east Idaho.
State: Idaho
Contact: Danny Xu, Department of Biomedical andtd Sciences
Email: xudong@isu.edu
Phone: 208-373-1832
Website: https://www.dxulab.org
Project Description: Interdisciplinary Drug Discovery and Repurposing for the Ototoxicity Prevention and Hearing Loss Restoration – We have developed novel computational approaches that leverage big data (clinical, gene expression, pharmacological, and molecular data) for high-throughput drug screening and repurposing. Combined with unbiased animal models and clinical trials, our state-of-the-art methods significantly improves drug screening efficiency, preclinical-to-clinical translatability, and as a result the likelihood of successful drug development programs. Our drug discovery pipeline is creating novel therapeutics that will prevent or restore hearing loss that affects 15% Americans and 500 million people worldwide.
State: Idaho
Contact: Patrick Hrdlicka, Department oftd
Email: hrdlicka@uidaho.edu
Phone: 208-885-0108
Website: http://www.webpages.uidaho.edu/~hrdlicka/index.htm
Project Description: I am interested in the development and characterization of chemically functionalized oligonucleotides and nanomaterials, and their applications in life sciences, medicine, and materials science. Specifically we aim to develop: i) novel methodologies for site-specific and sequence-unrestricted targeting of double-stranded DNA; ii) RNA-targeting oligonucleotides with improvised hybridization and pharmacokinetic properties; iii) probes for detection of nucleic acid targets including those with single nucleotide polymorphisms; and iv) nanomaterial-based sensors for detection of biological and chemical threat agents.
State: Idaho
Contact: Alark Joshi, Department of Computertd
Email: alarkjoshi@boisestate.edu
Phone: 208-426-5734
Website: http://cs.boisestate.edu/~alark
Project Description: Scientists worldwide are drowning in the massive amounts of data being measured and collected. Interactive exploration of data as well as statistical analysis of data can significantly improve the understanding of the underlying science. In my research group, we develop novel data visualization techniques that can help with making sense of large datasets and gaining insight into the data. Some of the ongoing projects are focused around improved navigation for neurosurgeons in the operating room, visualizing complex animal colonies for seamless colony maintenance, automated visualization of driving directions based on a user's cognitive abilities at various speeds and so on.
State: Idaho
Contact: Byung Kim, Department of Physics
Email: byungkim@boisestate.edu
Phone: 208-426-3659
Website: http://www.boisestate.edu/physics/kim
Project Description: Professor Kim's research focuses on the molecular-scale investigation of biomolecular systems such as proteins, DNAs, cells, and bacteria using the SPM techniques. Recently his research group has made an important breakthrough in this research area, by developing a novel SPM technique called cantilever-based optical interfacial force microscope (COIFM) (Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 103124 (2008), Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 053711 (2011), Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 201902 (2011)). With support from the National Science Foundation, we are currently probing metastable states in bio-molecular interactions — difficult ones to be observed because of their relatively short lifespan and their non-equilibrium nature in a solution phase — using the novel COIFM to understand their role in biological functions.
State: Idaho
Contact: Rajesh Nagarajan, Assistant Professortd Chemistry
Email: rajnagarajan@boisestate.edu
Phone: 208-426-1423
Website: http://chemistry.boisestate.edu/nagarajan
Project Description: Interbacterial communication via quorum sensing, facilitated by small molecules called autoinducers, aid bacteria to become pathogenic that result in enhanced plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistance, biofilm formation and toxin production. Small molecules inhibitors for AHL synthase enzymes hold significant promise as antimicrobials in treating multidrug resistant bacterial infections. Projects in Dr. Nagarajan's laboratory are focused at discovering AHL synthase inhibitors using the tools of organic chemistry, biochemistry and mechanistic enzymology.
State: Idaho
Contact: Danny Xu, Department of Chemistry andtd
Email: dxu@boisestate.edu
Phone: 208-426-1031
Website: http://www.dxulab.com
Project Description: In the Xu research lab, we pursue a broad range of cutting-edge and interdisciplinary computational research projects at the interface of chemistry, biology, physics and pharmacology. We are particularly interested in driving translational research and advancing novel methods in the emerging areas such as molecular targeted therapeutics and renewable energy through close collaboration with experimentalists. Powered by massive petaflops and GPU computing technologies, large-scale computer simulation is at the forefront of chemical and biomedical discovery.
State: Idaho
Contact: Julie Oxford
Email: joxford@boisestate.edu
Phone: 208-426-2395
Website: http://biology.boisestate.edu
Project Description: Our laboratory studies the role of extracellular matrix in normal development and in the onset and progression of disease. Some diseases that we are studying are osteoarthritis, hearing loss, vision problems, and cancer. We are also interested in cell and tissue engineering approaches to treat or prevent these diseases.
State: Idaho
Contact: Cheryl L. Jorcyk
Email: cjorcyk@boisestate.edu
Phone: 208-426-4287
Website: http://biology.boisestate.edu/faculty-and-staff/faculty/cheryl-jorcyk/
Project Description: Our laboratory studies the role of the inflammatory factor oncostatin M (OSM) in breast tumor progression and metastasis. We perform both in vitro and in vivo studies using genetically modified human and mouse mammary breast cancer cell lines to determine important OSM-regulated signal transduction pathways. A long-term goal of ours is to develop a novel breast cancer therapeutic to block OSM signaling, reduce breast cancer metastases, and improve patient lives.
State: Idaho
Contact: Jennifer S. Forbey, Department oftd Sciences
Email: jenniferforbey@boisestate.edu
Phone: 208-426-4426
Website: http://biology.boisestate.edu/faculty-and-staff/faculty/jennifer-forbey
Project Description: I am interested in understanding the behavioral and physiological consequences of exposure to plant secondary metabolites (i.e. toxins) and the mechanisms that herbivores employ to mitigate the negative effects of exposure to plant toxins. I evaluate the evolutionary diversity of plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) and the evolutionary diversity of receptor targets and mechanisms of absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity (ADMET) of PSMs in animals. I also integrate the fields of ecology (both physiological and chemical) and pharmacology (science of drugs, including their composition, uses, and effects) to discover the biological activity of natural product for human health.
State: Montana
Contact: Larry N. Smith, Associate Professor,td. of Geological Engineering, Montana Tech of the University of Montana
Email: lsmith@mtech.edu
Phone: 406-496-4859
Project Description: Understanding the lake-level and flood history of glacial Lake Missoula takes description of sediment deposited in the lake, and those deposited during multiple catastrophic lake-drainage events. Descriptions of exposures of lake sediments has led to discovery of exposure surfaces in lake-bottom positions in various portions of the lake basin. In the proposed research Dr. Smith and the science partner will focus on a small area in Lake, Mineral, or Sanders county, producing a geologic map of the area, a thorough description of the lake-bottom sediments, and come up with an apparent lake-level history for that area, which can then be compared to other areas in the lake basin. The research will entail weeks of field work, camping on or near the site (if the site is far from the science partner's home), and some digging in soft and dusty sediment.
State: Montana
Contact: Jason Comer
Email: jason.comer@msubillings.edu
Phone: 4066572030
Website: https://www.msubillings.edu/directory/profile.htm?WebProfileID=jason.comer
Project Description: Global biodiversity is currently under threat from a variety of anthropogenic influences including habitat destruction and fragmentation (through agriculture and urbanization), and anthropogenic climate change. Plants' responses to anthropogenic challenges have been studied extensively through experimental and simulation studies. Evaluating genomic changes in plants in relation to new selection pressures has been challenging, but with the rapid advances in next-generation sequencing techniques entire plant communities can now be evaluated at the genomic level opening new avenues for studying plant community dynamics. The specific goals are to: 1. Use systematics-based approaches to catalog plant biodiversity and distribution. 2. Evaluate the evolution of a plant community of former agricultural land at the genomic and organismal levels. This project offers opportunities in both the field (plant collections and identification) and lab (next-generation sequencing and analyses).
State: Montana
Contact: Dong Wang, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Email: dong1.wang@umontana.edu
Phone: 406-243-4022
Website: http://hs.umt.edu/chemistry/lab/wang/
Project Description: My research group studies the roles of transition metals in biocatalysis. There are multiple active projects teachers can participate in synthesizing coordination complexes to mimic natural enzymatic reactions.
State: Montana
Contact: Lisa Eby, WA Franke College of Forestrytd Conservation (Wildlife Biology)
Email: lisa.eby@umontana.edu
Phone: 406-243-5984
Website: https://www.cfc.umt.edu/personnel/details.php?ID=1131
Project Description: We are an aquatic ecology lab focusing on landscape changes to aquatic biota and food webs. We work on assessing the impact of low tech restoration (i.e., beaver dam analogs) on the changes to the aquatic habitat and biotic community across sites in western and eastern Montana.
State: Montana
Contact: Jessica Mitchell, Spatial Analysis Lab
Email: jessica3.mitchell@umontana.edu
Phone: 406-243-4828
Website: https://www.umt.edu/spatial-analysis-lab/
Project Description: Spatial Analysis Lab research and projects involve scaling ground-based vegetation surveys using remote sensing and modeling techniques. Potential projects involve collecting ground reference information and photos in support of land cover mapping in Montana.
State: Montana
Contact: Andrij Holian, Center for Environmentaltd Science
Email: andrij.holian@umontana.edu
Phone: 406-243-4018
Website: https://cehsweb.health.umt.edu/users/andrij-holian
Project Description: Projects in our group study mechanisms of inflammatory responses to various environmental/occupational exposures including silicates, nanoparticles, and wildfire smoke. Studies include in vitro and in vivo approaches and evaluate novel therapeutics based on mechanisms.
State: Montana
Contact: Douglas Emlen, Division of Biologicaltd
Email: Douglas.Emlen@umontana.edu
Phone: 406-243-2535
Website: http://hs.umt.edu/dbs/labs/emlen/default.php
Project Description: We work with live Japanese rhinoceros beetles, using video, microphones, and lasers to study male courtship signaling. Males produce giant horns, analogous to elk antlers, but females ignore these and instead the males sing and dance. Why?
State: Montana
Contact: Lila Fishman, Division of Biologicaltd
Email: Lila.Fishman@mso.umt.edu
Phone: 406-243-5166
Website: www.fishmanlab.org
Project Description: The Fishman Lab studies adaptation and speciation in flowering plants by combining genomics approaches with lab, greenhouse, and field experiments. We have diverse projects that could involve teachers; these range from studying the effects of pollinators on floral evolution in Yellowstone National Park and measuring tradeoffs associated with defense traits to investigating the genomic consequences of selfish genetic elements.
State: Montana
Contact: Sarah Certel, Division of Biologicaltd
Email: sarah.certel@umontana.edu
Phone: 406-243-6479
Website: http://certellab.dbs.umt.edu/Certel_Lab_Home.html
Project Description: The primary research goal in the lab is to understand how neuronal networks are assembled and modified to mediate aggression and reproductive behavior in Drosophila. Our research uses multiple imaging and behavioral approaches to address how genes, neurons, and experience determine and shape aggressive behavior. An example of a project doable in a two summer time frame would be to select a gene of interest (based on previous lab results) and; set up fights between control and experimental male flies, score and analyze the fight intensity and behavioral patterns of the recorded fights, and learn to dissect Drosophila brains to visualize individual neurons that express the gene of interest using immunohistochemistry techniques.
State: Montana
Contact: Joel Graff
Email: jgraff@mtech.edu
Phone: 3195412173
Website: https://www.mtech.edu/biology/joel-graff.html
Project Description: Our lab has a wide range of research projects. Most recently, we have focused on data science and computer vision to extract large amounts of information from biological images. For cellular biology projects, we are using a technique called Cell Painting that simultaneously stains nuclei, RNA, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, actin, and plasma membrane with different fluorescent colors. Then, we collect a series of confocal microscope images that are stacked together to create a 3D representation of the cell. We are looking for 3D cellular morphological changes in response to various stressful stimuli. For ecology projects, we are collecting images taken in the real world at environmental restoration research sites as well as in virtual worlds using 3D software programs like Blender and Unreal Engine. These images are being used to train deep learning computer models that will identify native Montana plants. The goal is to speed up ecological biodiversity studies.
State: Montana
Contact: Mike DeGrandpre, Department oftd and Biochemistry
Email: michael.degrandpre@umontana.edu
Phone: 406-243-4118
Website: http://www.cas.umt.edu/chemistry/facultyDetails.cfm?id=528
Project Description: My research focuses on the development of autonomous chemical sensors for applications in aquatic (marine and freshwater) chemistry. One of our primary goals is to further our understanding of the sources and sinks of carbon dioxide within the world's oceans. Most recently, we have discovered a new technique for performing alkalinity measurements (an important ocean carbon parameter) that greatly simplifies the instrumentation, making possible future development of an autonomous alkalinity system like the SAMIs. The new technique has many potential field applications for analysis of a wide range of chemical species.
State: Montana
Contact: Nicholas R. Natale, Department oftd Professions and Biomedical Sciences
Email: nicholas.natale@umontana.edu
Phone: 406-243-4132
Website: http://www.health.umt.edu/schools/biomed/faculty/natale.htm
Project Description: Our research interests are in the area of medicinal chemistry, our approach is to develop new chemistries to study important biological problems. Three areas of active interest are: antihypertensive agents in the dihydropyridine class, anticancer agents for visualizing gliomas, and selective neutrotransmitters ligands. We are especially interested in catalytic asymmetric synthesis to arrive selectively at our molecular targets, and focus on the isoxazole heterocyclic scaffold.
State: Montana
Contact: Steve Stowers, PhD, Assistanttd, Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience
Phone: 406-994-5672
Project Description: Our lab investigates how fruit fly larva process sensory information from the environment and translate it into behavioral responses. Current efforts are focused on mapping the neural circuitry underlying a mechanosensory behavior. The approaches being used include optogenetics, fluorescent imaging, and cutting-edge molecular genetic methods. Possible projects include using optogenetics to identify essential neurons of a mechanosensory neural circuit or genetically-engineering fruit flies that will be useful for neutral circuit mapping.
State: Montana
Contact: Michelle Flenniken, Research Assistanttd, Plant Science & Plant Pathology
Email: michelle.flenniken@montana.edu
Phone: 406-994-7229
Project Description: Professor Flennikn's research program is aimed at elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying host-pathogen interactions in honey bees (apis mellifera). Projects in the lab focus on three principal aspects of honey bee biology: (1) determining the mechanisms and contributions of RNA-triggered pathways in honey bee antiviral defense, (2) honey bee pathogen monitoring, detection and discovery with an emphasis on candidate etiologic agents of Colony Collapse Disorder, and (3) investigating the pathogenesis of the recently discovered Lake Sinai viruses. Honey bees are an excellent model in which to investigate immune mechanisms at both the individual bee and entire colony level. High School science teachers will learn basic molecular biology techniques while tackling semi-independent projects to address questions such as: How does pesticide exposure effect honey bee health? How do honey bees detect and defend themselves against virus invaders? Specific responsibilities may include: honey bee sample collection and storage (including work with live honey bees), molecular biology techniques (e.g. RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, qPCR, PCR, in vitro transcription, clongin), protein manipulations (Western blots, immunofluorescence, pull-downs), cell culture techniques, computational analysis (excel, R, programming experience) and potentially work with insect viruses (transfections, preparation, tittering and inoculations).
State: Montana
Contact: Bob Sharrock, Department of Planttd
Email: sharrock@montana.edu
Phone: 406-994-2472
Website: http://plantsciences.montana.edu/facultyorstaff/faculty/sharrock/sharrock.htm
Project Description: My laboratory studies plant developmental responses to light, such as growth and flowering responses to shade and day-length. These are controlled by photoreceptor molecules that sense red or blue light - the “eyes” of the plant. We work with a small model plant called Arabidopsis thaliana and do mostly genetics, molecular biology (DNA cloning, etc.), and plant physiology experiments (in growth chambers, not outside unfortunately). Possible summer projects could involve constructing a DNA clone, analysis of the effects of various light environments on mutants, and/or performing and analyzing genetic crosses.
State: Montana
Contact: Elinor deLancey Pulcini, Ph.D.,td Manager, Medical Biofilm Laboratory
Email: Elinor_p@biofilm.montana.edu
Project Description: Project Title: Effects of Serum Proteins on Initial Adhesion and Biofilm Formation in Bacterial Clinical Isolates. In vitro testing is a crucial first step in the FDA approval process for a medical device, which can also include in vivo testing and clinical trials. While no in vitro test can ever completely replicate conditions of use for that device (i.e. host immune system, blood, chemicals applied during use, etc.), it is important that the device be tested under stringent laboratory conditions which mimic aspects of use (i.e. temperature, fluid use and flow rate, relevant bacterial species, etc.). The goal of this project will be to examine the effects of serum proteins on bacterial adhesion in both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria on different surfaces including silicon, polycarbonate, hydroxyapatite and antimicrobial coated materials. This work will be performed in the Medical Biofilms Laboratory at the Center for Biofilm Engineering, a world leader in fundamental research, science and engineering education, industrially relevant technology and the synthesis of biofilm-related information.
State: Montana
Contact: Tracy Dougher, Plant Sciences and Planttd
Email: tracyaod@montana.edu
Phone: 406-994-6772
Website: http://plantsciences.montana.edu/facultyorstaff/faculty/dougher/dougher.htm
Project Description: My research attempts to gain an understanding of the breadth and limitations of the growth of Montana native plants, particularly 1) native grasses under turfgrass applications and 2) native perennial plants for both commercial production and survival in the built landscape.
State: Montana
Contact: Robert K. Szilagyi, Ph.D
Email: Szilagyi@Montana.edu
Phone: 406-994-4263
Website: http://computational.chemistry.montana.edu
Project Description: Structural molecular chemistry is one of the most spectacular areas of the chemical sciences in which experimental techniques and theoretical methodologies reveal atomic level information about the positions of the nuclei and the electrons. These correspond to the highly sought geometric and electronic structural information, respectively that are critical in understanding, optimizing, and predicting chemical properties, reactivity, and stability. We offer a unique opportunity for gaining experience in modern synchrotron-radiation enabled X-ray spectroscopic technique (may include a field trip to national synchrotron facility) and combined molecular modeling with electronic structure calculations. The participant will acquire enough knowledge in computational chemistry and molecular modeling that would be adequate for creating and teaching of an AP level chemistry class, which could aid students to even better prepare for a successful college career in chemistry.
State: Montana
Contact: Dr. Mary E. Burrows
Email: mburrows@montana.edu
Phone: Phone: 406-994-7766 Cell: 406-599-9966
Website: http://www.gpdn.org
Project Description: Our pulse crop acres (peas, lentils, chickpeas) have expanded in Montana to cover approximately 500,000 acres. The value of this crop ($1.1 billion) is almost as much as our 5.4 million acres of wheat ($1.4 billion). It has been challenging to serve those new pulse crop producers with basic pest management information. One of the most important pests I see on the horizon is Ascochyta blight. In the 2012 cropping year, seed tests indicate 79% of lentil seed lots, 40% of pea seed lots, and 80% of chickpea seed lots had at least one seed in 500 that had the pathogen. This means there's a lot of fields in Montana that have the potential to have the disease if the weather is favorable in 2012. We only have one recommended fungicide right now for reducing the seed transmission rate of Ascochyta blight - LSP/Mertect. It would be really useful if we could get a teacher to help us test some of the seed treatments in the lab (blotter tests) and in the field to see if seed treatment fungicides reduce ascochyta blight in the crop. We could also get them involved in foliar fungicide trials and disease assessment. This would be useful both to Montana and other pulse-producing states including Washington and North Dakota. We've got some preliminary studies in the field this summer, so we'll have a lot of the methods worked out next year. The teacher, if they were interested, could also get trained in diagnostics (identification of pests), invasive species monitoring and detection, or extension.
State: Montana
Contact: Dr. John G. Rowley
Email: jrowley@carroll.edu
Phone: 406-447-4467
Website: http://www.carroll.edu/jrowley
Project Description: In our research group we interrogate, develop, and advance the understanding of the fundamental chemical mechanisms behind the harvesting of renewable solar energy. Currently we are focused on the discovery of materials with previously unknown photoelectrolsis properties and the development of new mechanism for visible light initiated carbon-carbon bond formation. Our goal is to discover new materials that absorb sunlight and use that energy to form solar fuels.
State: Oregon
Contact: Theresa M. McCormick, Assistanttd
Email: t.m.mccormick@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-2332
Project Description: In the McCormick group we are focused on developing new molecules that can transform light into chemical or electrical energy. In my group you would have the opportunity to synthesize complexes that absorb light and study their utility in energy storing reactions. You will be trained to use a variety of techniques including computational chemistry, air-free synthesis, and a spectroscopic analysis while you are contributing first hand to solar energy research.
State: Oregon
Contact: Joel Gohdes, Department of Chemistry
Email: gohd2802@pacificu.edu
Phone: 503-352-2028
Website: http://www.pacificu.edu/as/chemistry/faculty/gohdes.cfm
Project Description: Research Interests: Work in our lab focuses on stabilizing metal coordination complexes in highly-porous, cross-linked polymers. We are developing these materials for potential catalysis and gas separations applications. The work involves organic and inorganic synthesis as well as physical measurements of reactivity.
State: Oregon
Contact: David R. Stuart, Assistant Professor
Email: dstuart@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-2969
Website: http://web.pdx.edu/~dstuart/
Project Description: Research in the Stuart group is aimed at the discovery of new chemical reactivity for the advancement of organic synthesis. A particular focus is placed on the development of sustainable synthetic methods that obviate the use of toxic and expensive reagents. Research partners that are imaginative and enjoy the process of creating (analogy to cooking) may find our research particularly rewarding. Research partners may anticipate being involved in the preparation of reagents that will aid in the discovery process, exploring the breadth of scope of a newly discovered reactivity, or applying a newly discovered method to the synthesis of a biologically active molecule.
State: Oregon
Contact: Dirk Iwata-Reuyl, Professor oftd
Email: iwatard@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-5737
Website: http://web.pdx.edu/~arjay/index.html
Project Description: Research in the lab focuses on problems at the interface of chemistry and biology, and addresses diverse aspects of protein function, mechanism, structure, evolution, and design. The inspiration for all of our research is post-transcriptional processing of RNA, specifically the phenomena of nucleoside modification in the maturation of transfer and ribosomal RNA. This process results in the generation of a rich mosaic of structurally modified nucleosides, and we're working to discover the biological roles of nucleoside modification, elucidate the biosynthetic pathways responsible for the formation of these fascinating molecules, and understand the biochemistry of the enzymes making up the pathways. We employ a multidisciplinary approach that includes enzymology, kinetics, molecular biology, and organic synthesis, and our close collaborations with other research groups allow us to further broaden the scope of our work to include structural biology, computational genomics, genetics, and physiology.
State: Oregon
Contact: Niles Lehman, Professor of Chemistry,td State University
Email: niles@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-8769
Website: http://web.pdx.edu/~niles/Lehman_Lab_at_PSU/Home.html
Project Description: Research in the Lehman lab focuses on catalytic RNA (ribozymes) as a model system to study the origins of life on the Earth. A research partner could expect to be given a project involving the study of how RNA molecules can replicate themselves in solution in the absence of a protein replicase enzyme. The lab uses standard molecular biological techniques including PCR, RNA transcription, gel electrophoresis, and DNA sequence analysis. No prior expertise in these techniques is required, only a willingness to learn and work in a very clean and sterile environment.
State: Oregon
Contact: Shankar B. Rananavare, Researchtd Professor, Department of Chemistry
Email: ranavas@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-8511
Website: http://web.pdx.edu/~ranavas/shankar11a.html
Project Description: Research in the Rananavare group is focused on synthesis, characterization, and device application of nanomaterials. A research partner might work on a variety of different projects, synthesizing new doped nanoparticles/nanowires for chemical sensing applications, creating new wet etch chemical formulations, or developing new sub-50nm lithographic techniques working in partnership with local semiconductor companies.
State: Oregon
Contact: Erik Johansson, Assistant Professor,td of Chemistry
Email: ejohansson@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-2566
Website: http://johansson.chem.pdx.edu
Project Description: Research in the Johansson group is focused on inorganic materials for solar-to-electrical energy conversion. A research partner might work on many different projects, including high-temperature synthesis of single crystals, quantum-dot synthesis, electrochemistry of solar cell materials, and solar cell assembly and testing.
State: Oregon
Contact: David H. Peyton, Professor, Departmenttd Chemistry
Email: peytond@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-3875
Website: http://web.pdx.edu/~peytond
Project Description: Research in the Peyton Laboratory is centered on medicinal and biophysical chemistry, with emphasis in understanding how structures impact functioning in biological systems, and developing therapies to overcome drug resistance, particularly in malaria.
State: Oregon
Contact: Robert M. Strongin, Professor
Email: strongin@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-9724
Website: http://web.pdx.edu/~jescobed
Project Description: Research in the Strongin group is focused on the synthesis of new redox and chromophore materials for biomedical applications, including the early detection of ovarian cancer as well as a range of metabolic disorders. A research partner might work on a variety of different projects including synthesizing new dyes as biomolecular indicators, developing new methods for biomoledule detection, or examining the spectroscopy and fundamental properties of functional new organic dyes.
State: Oregon
Contact: Dean Atkinson, Associate Professor,td of Chemistry
Email: atkinsonD@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-8117
Website: http://web.pdx.edu/~atkinsdb
Project Description: We measure atmospheric aerosol properties via their interaction with light. We use an interesting laser based technique to make in situ and laboratory measurements of extinction, scattering and absorption. This can tell us about the physical and chemical nature of the particles that are out there, which helps us estimate their impact on Earth's climate and on public health.
State: Oregon
Contact: Anne W. Thompson, Research Assistanttd, Department of Biology
Email: awt@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-8052
Project Description: Phytoplankton in the oceans are responsible for half of the oxygen in our atmosphere and have been important in shaping the atmosphere of Earth as we know it today. These abundant and ubiquitous populations of microorganisms are also the foundation of marine food webs and play important roles in the global carbon cycle. In our lab, we study the ecology of the very abundant cyanobacterium called Prochlorococcus, which is the most abundant photosynthetic cell on the planet Earth. Prochlorococcus is very diverse at the genetic level, but the consequences of this diversity to their role in global processes is poorly understood. In my lab, we study natural populations of Prochlorococcus in the open ocean and laboratory cultures to discover the relationship between genetic diversity and ecosystem function. Projects in my lab could involve techniques such as field sampling in the open ocean, flow cytometry, molecular biology, microbiology, and bioinformatic analysis.
State: Oregon
Contact: Kevin Johnson
Email: johnsonk@pacificu.edu
Phone: 503-352-2762
Website: http://www.pacificu.edu/as/chemistry/faculty/johnson.cfm
Project Description: Research Interests: Johnson utilizes computational tools to investigate chemical questions. He uses Density Functional Theory to investigate novel optical properties of phthalocyanine based compounds. He also uses Classical Molecular Dynamics methods to study the effects of surfactants at the interface between water and oil.
State: Oregon
Contact: Marilyn R. Mackiewicz, Researchtd Professor
Email: mackiewi@pdx.edu
Website: http://web.pdx.edu/~mackiewi/
Project Description: Professor Mackiewicz's research is designed to bridge concepts in inorganic, analytical, and nanomaterials chemistry in efforts to engineer new materials using rational design of functional inorganic nanomaterials for technology transfer in renewable energy, environmental and biomedical sectors. We envision that fundamental chemistry developed in our lab will help improve our understanding of major diseases that impact the quality of human life. This is key to other efforts in our lab geared towards the design of sensors and therapeutics for the very same diseases whose mechanism we aim to elucidate.
State: Oregon
Contact: Pui-Tak Leung
Email: hopl@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-3818
Website: http://web.pdx.edu/~hopl
Project Description: Professor Leung's research is in mainly the theoretical study of nano optics. A research partner might work in plasmonics which studies the response of the free electrons in metallic nanostructures; or in metamaterials which are fabricated optical materials with unusual properties like negative refration. The partner can help in both literature research and in computer modeling of the various phenomena studied in these areas.
State: Oregon
Contact: Jack C. Straton, Associate Professor,td & University Studies
Email: straton@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-5844
Website: http://web.pdx.edu/~straton
Project Description: Professor Straton's research includes the theoretical study of atomic excitations via particle scattering. Because the atomic states and interactions are simple functions, one does not need extensive background in theory to be a productive partner in this process. Depending on your interest, I could use help at any of the three stages of solving a problem: algebraic manipulation of terms that contribute to the process, solving integrals involving exponentials and powers, and modifying computer code for the new problem.
State: Oregon
Contact: Ralf Widenhorn, Assistant Professor,td of Physics
Email: ralfw@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-3898
Website: http://web.pdx.edu/~ralfw
Project Description: Digital sensors are ubiquitous in today's society and found in places ranging from the Hubble space telescope to cell phones. There are two main types of digital sensors: Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs) and Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductors (CMOS). Dr. Widenhorn studies the performance of these sensors with the goal to understand the characteristics better and improve image quality. He also investigates other material properties of semiconductor devices.
State: Oregon
Contact: Cat de Rivera, Associate Professor,td of Environmental Science & Management
Email: derivera@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-9798
Website: http://www.clr.pdx.edu/people/faculty/derivera
Project Description: We are investigating the effects of sea level rise and dike removal on salt marsh habitat and communities. We are interested in whether the regeneration and uphill spread of this important habitat can keep pace with sea level rise, whether the disturbance of changed inundation favors invasive species, and whether restoration via dike removal should be accompanied by plantings or other assisted colonization. Partner teachers can join a collaborative team investigating how soils (Dr. Martin Lafrenz, PSU Geography), plants (Dr. Sarah Eppley, PSU Biology), and animals that live in the mud (this project) change at each elevation when salt water newly inundates mudflat and marsh areas. The project will entail some field work on the Oregon coast for data collection and experiments and also microscope work back in Portland sorting out and identifying the polychaetes, clams, crustaceans, and other animals we find.
State: Oregon
Contact: Martin Lafrenz, Assistant Professor,td of Geography
Email: lafrenz@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-725-3163
Website: http://www.pdx.edu/geography/martin-lafrenz
Project Description: In my research I study the possible impacts of sea level rise on coastal ecosystems. Through fieldwork, laboratory analysis, statistical testing, and modeling with a Geographic Information System (GIS), I investigate the nature of shifting habitat mosaics along an environmental gradient of intertidal, salt marsh, transitional marsh, and uplands. I specialize in the analysis of soil conditions and work with other researchers to collaborate on vegetation dynamics (Dr. Sarah Eppley, PSU Biology) and animal community composition (Dr. Cat de Rivera, PSU Environmental Science) of these changing environments. A teacher working with me would learn how to conduct a field project in marsh soil analysis including field collection, laboratory processing of soil samples, and GIS mapping of results. This project would assist a teacher in gaining real-world experience toward implementing the Oregon Common Core State standards in math related to functions, modeling, and statistics as well as the Oregon State standards in Science for H.2 Interaction and Change and H.3 Scientific Inquiry.
State: Oregon
Contact: Dr. Benjamin McMorran, Assistanttd, Department of Physics
Email: mcmorran@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-8624
Website: http://physics.uoregon.edu/faculty/mcmorran.html
Project Description: Electron microscopes can be used to image specimens and materials with unprecedented detail. An important tool for research in a variety of scientific and engineering fields, the electron microscope can also be a useful tool for education purposes. For example, the ease with which these instruments can be used to image a variety of materials and objects, and their ability to rapidly zoom in smoothly from millimeter to nanometer feature sizes without refocusing, provides students with a visceral understanding of lengthscale, as well as detailed knowledge about the composition and structure of specimens. Furthermore, the operating principles of the electron microscope itself can also be used to educate. Concepts central to an electron microscope - electromagnetism, electrons, gas pressure, optics, atomic composition of matter - are accessible to high school science students. The McMorran Lab uses these instruments for fundamental experiments in electron optics and quantum physics. This work involves development of cutting edge nanoscale manufacturing techniques and application of advanced physics concepts, yet nevertheless much of this is accessible to new students of physics. This lab is looking to partner with K-12 educators who are interested in contributing to this research, and who would like to help develop curriculum featuring these tools.
State: Oregon
Contact: Dr. Frank Vignola
Email: fev@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-0346-4745
Website: http://solardata.uoregon.edu
Project Description: The University of Oregon Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory operates a 30 station solar monitoring network to characterize the region's solar resource. The network includes monitoring of photovoltaic systems to help assess the performance of PV systems in the northwest. The reference station is in Eugene at the University of Oregon and is where we perform tests to calibrate and characterize the performance of solar monitoring instruments. This summer we will be performing spectral radiation measurements to more fully characterize the performance of photodiode based pyranometers and the performance of solar cells under a variety of weather conditions. We are seeking assistance in these measurements and the data analysis. Preliminary analysis of winter data are being presented at the World Renewable Energy Form this May. In addition we are continuing work on our PV lesson plans and lab kit. Information on our publications and the PV lesson plans can be found on our website is http://solardata.uoregon.edu.
State: Oregon
Contact: Eric I Corwin, Assistant Professor
Email: ecorwin@uoregon.edu
Phone: 773-706-0488
Website: http://phasmid.uoregon.edu
Project Description: Self-assembly describes the formation of ordered structures or patterns via the autonomous organization of components without human intervention. Self-assembly processes are largely governed by the structure and nature of the components involved and random forces typically (but not always) related to temperature. Understanding these processes is key to designing components for application that organize themselves into desired patterns that perform a desired function. We have designed a macroscopic analog for microscopic self-assembly using the “Cheerios” effect (surface tension induced interactions) as our driving force. Small Teflon discs will spontaneously organize into two-dimensional crystals when placed on a water surface. By exciting random vibrations on the water surface we are able to mimic thermal forces acting on the Teflon disks. This summer we hope to use this system to explore two-dimensional melting and crystallization/glass formation. We will record data with a video system and analyze collective particle motions and positional order using computerized tracking algorithms.
State: Oregon
Contact: Alice Barkan, Professor, Department oftd
Email: abarkan@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-5145
Website: http://www.molbio.uoregon.edu/facres/barkan.php
Project Description: My laboratory investigates the genes and mechanisms underlying the biogenesis of the chloroplast, the subcellular organelle in plants that carries out the process of photosynthesis. Projects in my laboratory use “genetic” and “biochemical” approaches. We take advantage of mutant plants with non-functional chloroplasts to identify relevant genes, and we investigate mechanisms by which such genes act through detailed biochemical studies of their gene products. Our projects focus primarily on understanding how genes in the nuclear genome promote the proper expression of the small genome in the chloroplast, which was retained from the chloroplast's bacterial ancestor.
State: Oregon
Contact: Angela Hoffman, Assistant Professor,td Department
Email: hoffman@up.edu
Phone: 503-943-7173
Website: http://college.up.edu/chemistry/default.aspx?cid=6200&pid=908
Project Description: Plants and fungi can't get up and move when they are challenged with competing organisms like insects or pathogens. They protect themselves from such environmental challenges by making interesting compounds that humans may find useful. Professor Hoffman's lab isolates and studies these compounds for their antimicrobial, anticancer or pesticidal properties. These natural products studies integrate concepts and techniques used by chemists (extraction, chromatography and chemical characterization), biologists (assays of biological activity) and environmental scientists (interactions between organisms).
State: Oregon
Contact: Laurie King and Martina Mancini,td
Email: mancinim@ohsu.edu
Phone: 503-418-2601
Website: https://www.ohsu.edu/school-of-medicine/neurology/balance-disorders-laboratory
Project Description: The Balance Disorders Laboratory, located at OHSU Marquam Hill campus, examines how motor signals sent from the brain to muscles and sensory information about body position going to the brain, interact to maintain a person’s balance while standing or walking. Diseases or injuries that damage the motor (e.g., Parkinson’s disease) or sensory (e.g., concussion, vestibular injury) pathways can disrupt balance. We investigate balance and walking with state-of-the-art biomechanics techniques using wearable movement sensors and computerized balance testing, as well as brain imaging while a person walks (e.g., fNIRS). We are also studying novel balance training interventions to determine rehabilitation efficacy in people with Parkinson's disease and concussion. The teacher/intern will gain a background in neurological disorders that affect a person's mobility and interventions to alleviate impairments.
State: Oregon
Contact: Monica Hinds, Biomedical Engineering
Email: indsm@ohsu.edu
Phone: 503-418-9309
Website: https://www.ohsu.edu/school-of-medicine/hinds-lab/hinds-lab
Project Description: Our lab studies cardiovascular diseases, including ways to engineer biomaterials to promote healing, the relationship of fluid shear stress on vascular cells, and the influence of external biochemical stimuli on development. The lab performs mechanistic studies with cells, ex vivo experimentation with whole blood, and in vivo animal studies to investigate healing. Lab members have diverse academic backgrounds including mechanical engineering, biology, chemistry, medicine, and materials science. Our broad approach to understanding the cardiovascular system allows numerous opportunities for applying basic science and engineering principles to better study and treat cardiovascular diseases. Potential projects include modifying biomaterial surfaces, measuring coagulation with whole blood, and experimenting with fluid shear on cells. Lab techniques include cell culture, immunofluorescent staining, biochemical assays, biochemical material modification, and material surface characterization.
State: Oregon
Contact: Alena Paulenova, Associate Professor,td Engineering and Radiation Health Physics
Email: alena.paulenova@oregonstate.edu
Phone: 541-737-7070
Website: http://people.oregonstate.edu/~paulenova/
Project Description: Radioanalytical, separation and speciation of actinides and fission products, radiochemical sensors environmental and biomedical applications of radiotracers. Chemistry of actinides and fission products, and their speciation in aquatic matrices; Spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy of f-elements; Research in actinide solid phases as waste forms or fuels; Advanced nanomaterials, nanoradiochemistry and nuclear material science.
State: Oregon
Contact: Gyorgyi Nyerges, Department of Biology
Email: nyerges@pacificu.edu
Phone: 503-352-2223
Website: http://www.pacificu.edu/as/biology/faculty/gyorgyi_nyerges.cfm
Project Description: Research Interests: Nyerges investigates the presence of antibiotic resistance bacteria in soils using molecular methods.
State: Oregon
Contact: Stacey Halpern
Email: shalpern@pacificu.edu
Phone: 503-352-3109
Website: http://www.pacificu.edu/as/biology/faculty/halpern.cfm
Project Description: Research Interests: Halpern studies the ecology and evolution of plant-insect interactions. Her current research asks whether insect herbivores help regulate populations of a weedy and invasive plant. She is starting new projects in how clonal plants send signals of damage between connected stems, and how that affects overall plant performance.
State: Oregon
Contact: Lina Reiss, Oregon Hearing Researchtd
Email: reiss@ohsu.edu
Phone: 503-246-2145
Website: https://www.ohsu.edu/people/lina-aj-reiss
Project Description: We study 3 areas: 1) auditory perception and how it differs in people with hearing loss; 2) cochlear implants and how neural health can explain differences in outcomes; 3) disparities in cochlear implant outcomes with race and ethnicity. One potential project is on auditory perception, particularly binaural fusion or how sounds are integrated between the ears, and how signal properties or top-down processes such as attention can affect fusion. A useful visual analog is how different colors are fused between the eyes. A project in auditory perception can be open-ended, starting with the scholarly process of reviewing the literature, coming up with a hypothesis, and designing the experiment to test the hypothesis using appropriate psychophysical methods. Such an experiment is also portable and can be set up to run in classrooms with minimal equipment, allowing a teacher to in turn provide research experiences to students. Projects in the other areas are also an option.
State: Oregon
Contact: Suzanne Mitchell, Behavioraltd
Email: mitchesu@ohsu.edu
Phone: 503-494-1650
Website: https://www.ohsu.edu/people/suzanne-h-mitchell-phd
Project Description: Many choices we make require choosing between large rewards that we have to wait or work hard for versus smaller rewards that are immediate or easy to obtain, e.g., a student who prefers to read the Cliff notes version of a novel rather than the full classic text. Prior research suggests predispositions to select the immediate/easy alternative is associated with negative health decisions, so researchers are interested in understanding the factors, including genetics, that are associated with these predispositions. We have 2 ongoing projects : (1) Examining physiological signals (heart rate, skin conductance, eye movements) associated with different preferences in young adults and relating these to underlying neural processes; (2) Examining whether preferences for small immediate rewards (impulsive choices) are associated with specific genotypes and gene expression profiles. Our lab will provide training in the psychology of decision-making, psychophysiological processes and genetics.
State: Oregon
Contact: Greg Hermann
Email: hermann@lclark.edu
Phone: 503-768-7568
Project Description: Forming cellular compartments: Dr. Hermann's research group studies the formation of a lysosome-related organelle called the gut granule during embryonic development in the model system C. elegans. Lysosome-related organelles comprise a varied group of cellular compartments that include melanosomes, pigment granules, and lytic granules in humans. Interestingly, they each have unique contents and functions while sharing significant overall similarity to the conventional lysosome. Dr. Hermann's group is using genomic approaches to identify all of the genes that contribute to the construction of these important cellular compartments .
State: Oregon
Contact: Michael V. Danilchik, Ph.D., Professor,td. of Integrative Bioscience
Email: danilchi@ohsu.edu
Phone: 503-494-8568
Project Description: The main goal of the laboratory is to understand the cellular basis of embryonic morphogenisis - how cellular activities, movements, and cell-fate decisions are coordinated to carry out the dramatic tissue rearrangements that shape early embryos. We use eggs and embryos of the frog Xenopus laevis as our model system. Xenopus readily lay thousands of eggs at any time of year. The embryos are exceptionally hardy, so they have become one of the most useful model systems for studies involving direct cell manipulations, and microsurgery to investigate key cellular behaviors such as cell locomotion, prostrusive activity, and cell rearrangements. Two current projects in the lab are focused on 1) membrane and cytoskeletal interactions involved in large-scale cellular activities, including cell division and cell rearrangement; and 2) how cells communicate with each other across relatively large distances within the embryo. In conjunction with the mentor, the teacher would develop a project oriented around one of the main research aims of the lab, essentially to test a discrete hybothesis directed at a cellular process important for early vertebrate development. This research will involve the teacher becoming familiar with rearing and handling Xenopus adults for the purpose of harvesting eggs and embryos. Learn how to fertilize and culture embryos to various stages, learn microinjection, microsurgery, and various microscopic techniques, including time lapse micrography, confocal microscopy, immunofluorescence labeling techniques, and how to analyze captured image data with various image-analysis software packages.
State: Oregon
Contact: Robert Friedman, Ph.D., Researchtd Professor, Division of Neuroscience
Email: friedmro@ohsu.edu
Phone: 503-346-5252
Website: https://www.ohsu.edu/people/robert-m-friedman-phd
Project Description: Dr. Friedman is interested in understanding cortical underpinnings of sensory perception. By comparing cortical responses in both visual and somatosensory cortices, the lab seeks to reveal whether the cerebral cortex uses similar approaches to process different kinds of sensory information. To address this question, the laboratory utilizes intracortical microstimulation and single unit electrophysiology approaches, along with intrinsic optical imaging, a technique that allows us to image the brain at the resolution of functional cortical modules, in order to probe cortical circuitry and investigate the plastic changes in cortical circuitry during development and aging. Understanding how the cerebral cortex processes sensory information will lead to better brain-machine interfaces that could provide sensory substitution after spinal cord injury, blindness, or improved rehabilitation strategies after a stroke. The teacher/intern will be embedded in a research project examining the postnatal development of visual perception. Human infants do not see shapes or color very well and neither do infant macaques. The research project examines whether the silique of visual perceptual development is a consequence of the postnatal development of the fovea, the region in the eye used for high acuity vision, or the visual cerebral cortex (or a combination of both). The teacher/intern will have the opportunity to analyze intrinsic optical imaging and electrophysiological data collected from rhesus monkeys, and potentially assist in collecting data with the goal of the teacher/intern to gain experience in the steps involved in generating a scientific manuscript for publication.
State: Oregon
Contact: William Messer, MD, Ph.D., Assistanttd, Division of Infectious Diseases and Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Email: messer@ohsu.edu
Phone: 503-494-7768
Project Description: The Messer lab focuses on dengue virus, a pathogen transmitted by mosquitos and endemic throughout the tropical and sub-tropical world. His particular interest is in viral genetics and evolution and how those factors affect viral fitness, viral pathogenicity and the human immune response to dengue virus infection. Dr. Messer's lab has three areas of active research: 1) the genetic determinants of virus fitness in the mosquito vector Aedes aegypti, 2) strategies to identify the critical targets of neutralizing antibodies following dengue infection and, 3) using biochemically derived RNA structural models and dENV reverse genetics to identify RNA secondary structures critical to dengue virus viability. As a former middle school science teacher, Dr. Messer has a particular interest in advancing science education at the secondary school level and have several years experience as an outreach educator working with middle school students. The teacher/intern would be given the opportunity to be come competent in the fundamental tools of virology, including tissue culture, molecular virology, including PCR, sequence analysis, nucleotide mutagenesis and cloning methods. Together, the teacher and Dr. Messer would develop a self-standing project within the framework of the current work to develop and test a specific hypothesis regarding the role of dengue virus genetics in one of several spheres of virology in which they work. The teacher intern will take the lead in the design, execution and evaluation of the results of his/her experiments The teacher/intern would also have the opportunity to function as a full member of the lab, including presenting at lab meeting, journal clubs, and, if opportunity arises, regional or national meetings.
State: Oregon
Contact: Meredith Kelleher, Ph.D., Assistanttd, Division of Reproductive & Developmental Sciences
Website: https://www.ohsu.edu/people/meredith-kelleher-phd
Project Description: Dr. Kelleher’s research focuses on problems that can occur during pregnancy that result in preterm birth and poor outcomes for babies. We utilize clinically relevant non-human primate pregnancy models that are translational to human health and disease with the aim of reducing the burden of disease and disability caused by complications that occur during early life development. Current studies center on the early stages and mechanisms of infection that can cause preterm birth and fetal brain inflammation. We are also exploring new therapies for the treatment of hypoxia-ischemic brain injury at the time of birth. The teacher/intern will perform cellular and molecular studies to examine mechanisms of preterm labor and fetal injury. The teacher/intern will have the opportunity to participate in studies designed to quantify expression of genes of interest, concentrations proteins by Western blot, and cellular localization of protein expression using immunohistochemistry.
State: Oregon
Contact: Antonio Frias, MD, Professor, Dept. oftd & Gynecology and Scientist, Division of Reproductive & Developmental Sciences
Website: http://www.ohsu.edu/people/antoniofrias/ae70176c9576426798 90a7dccb3f000d
Project Description: The overall goal of the Frias laboratory is to understand normal pregnancy, and to develop tools that will identify pregnancies that are compromised by placental dysfunction. Specifically, the Frias group focuses on developing non-invasive methods to study and understand the placenta during pregnancy, and to correlate in vivo function with in vitro analysis post-delivery. In vivo ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques implemented in nonhuman primate models of perturbation (e.g., maternal dietary manipulation), are used in combination with tissue collection for in vitro analysis of placental structure and function. This approach facilitates correlation of blood flow to the placenta, as the main determinant of maternal supply, with how the placenta functions in order to optimize development of the baby. The teacher/intern will perform cellular and molecular studies of the placenta. The teacher/intern will have the opportunity to participate in studies designed to quantitate the expression of proteins by Western blot, and cellular localization of protein expression using immunohistochemistry. The Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC) is an institute of Oregon Health & Science University, located on OHSU’s West Campus, in Beaverton, OR. One of seven National Primate Research Centers located throughout the country and supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), ONPRC serves as a national resource to biomedical scientists who require nonhuman primate models for their research. To learn more about the research programs conducted at ONPRC, visit www.ohsu.edu/onprc The following ONPRC scientists are interested in mentoring a high school teacher during the summers of 2021 and 2022. If you are interested in partnering with one or more of these scientists, please contact Diana Gordon (503-346-5055 or gordondi@ohsu.edu). Research that takes place at ONPRC/OHSU is undertaken to improve understanding of human health and disease. Animal models are essential in this pursuit, and applicants need to be aware that in certain cases invasive animal procedures are necessary. Ethical issues associated with research in humans and other animals can evoke strong controversy, yet animal research is presently our only means of answering certain critical questions that we hope will lead to improved therapies and/or cures for disease. Federal law mandates adherence to regulations that ensure our research procedures are both humane and justified in terms of their contribution to knowledge and medical practice. Persons who apply for apprenticeship positions at ONPRC should support the ethical conduct of animal research that is carried out in compliance with federal laws and regulations.
State: Oregon
Contact: Carrie Hanna, PhD, Research Assistanttd and Director, Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) Core, Division of Reproductive & Developmental Sciences
Website: https://www.ohsu.edu/onprc/art-core-services@accordion-227711-4
Project Description: Dr. Hanna and her team of scientists in the ART Core provide investigators with the tools and expertise necessary for incorporating nonhuman primate (NHP) gametes, embryos, follicular cells, and ART-derived techniques into research programs. This includes performing in vitro fertilization and embryo culture with protocols similar to what is used in human fertility clinics. Additionally, the ART Core continually works towards developing leading-edge technologies in embryo micromanipulation and cryopreservation. The teacher/intern will have the opportunity to develop a research project involving techniques for analyzing non-human primate sperm quality in fresh and cryopreserved samples. To do this, the teacher/intern will learn how to evaluate and process sperm samples by CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis), perform fluorescent and phase contrast imaging techniques, and learn the standard protocol for cryopreserving semen samples. The Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC) is an institute of Oregon Health & Science University, located on OHSU’s West Campus, in Beaverton, OR. One of seven National Primate Research Centers located throughout the country and supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), ONPRC serves as a national resource to biomedical scientists who require nonhuman primate models for their research. To learn more about the research programs conducted at ONPRC, visit www.ohsu.edu/onprc The following ONPRC scientists are interested in mentoring a high school teacher during the summers of 2021 and 2022. If you are interested in partnering with one or more of these scientists, please contact Diana Gordon (503-346-5055 or gordondi@ohsu.edu). Research that takes place at ONPRC/OHSU is undertaken to improve understanding of human health and disease. Animal models are essential in this pursuit, and applicants need to be aware that in certain cases invasive animal procedures are necessary. Ethical issues associated with research in humans and other animals can evoke strong controversy, yet animal research is presently our only means of answering certain critical questions that we hope will lead to improved therapies and/or cures for disease. Federal law mandates adherence to regulations that ensure our research procedures are both humane and justified in terms of their contribution to knowledge and medical practice. Persons who apply for apprenticeship positions at ONPRC should support the ethical conduct of animal research that is carried out in compliance with federal laws and regulations.
State: Oregon
Contact: Henryk Urbanski, Ph.D., Professor,td of Neuroscience
Email: urbanski@ohsu.edu
Phone: 503-346-5496
Project Description: Dr. Unbanski’s research group is investigating how the environment interacts with sex-steroid hormones to affect various brain functions. Currently, studies are focused on those brain circuits that control sleep-wake cycles, circadian hormone rhythms, and seasonal mood changes. This basic research is expected to provide new insights into the causes of perturbed circadian rhythms and centrally-originating reproductive disorders; it should also help us to elucidate the causes of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Overall, a better understanding of the underlying neuroendocrine circuits will help with the future development of effective therapies. The teacher/intern would gain proficiency in the use of molecular and cellular approaches in neuroscience research. He or she would be come familiar with the use of general laboratory equipment and also become experienced with specialized techniques such as immunohistochemistry and computer-assisted image analysis.
State: Oregon
Contact: Kristine Coleman, PhD, Associatetd, Division of Comparative Medicine
Email: colemank@ohsu.edu
Phone: 503-533-2414
Website: http://www.ohsu.edu/people/kristinecoleman/afe02dcfaa96b03423835ab7a1e55884
Project Description: Dr. Coleman oversees the Behavioral Services Unit (BSU) at the ONPRC. This unit is responsible for attending to the behavioral and psychological needs of the monkeys at our facility. Research in the BSU is focused on examining ways to reduce stress and improve psychological well-being and welfare for laboratory primates. Her group is interested in how early experience, biological factors (e.g., temperment), and environmental factors (e.g., social status) interact to modulate vulnerability or resilience to various consequences of stress. Knowing how these factors interact can help identify individuals at risk for the development of stress-related problems, and can help us provide care for laboratory primates that is geared towards the individual, as opposed to using a one size fits all approach. The teacher/intern will learn behavioral methodology, including the design and use of ethograms, how to use software specifically designed for behavioral observation, and statistical methods. S/he will also learn about ways to promote welfare for captive animals, including pets. Finally, s/he will learn species specific monkey behavior and will have the opportunity to use operant conditioning (positive reinforcement) to train monkeys to cooperate with husbandry and research procedures. The Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC) is an institute of Oregon Health & Science University, located on OHSU’s West Campus, in Beaverton, OR. One of seven National Primate Research Centers located throughout the country and supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), ONPRC serves as a national resource to biomedical scientists who require nonhuman primate models for their research. To learn more about the research programs conducted at ONPRC, visit www.ohsu.edu/onprc The following ONPRC scientists are interested in mentoring a high school teacher during the summers of 2021 and 2022. If you are interested in partnering with one or more of these scientists, please contact Diana Gordon (503-346-5055 or gordondi@ohsu.edu). Research that takes place at ONPRC/OHSU is undertaken to improve understanding of human health and disease. Animal models are essential in this pursuit, and applicants need to be aware that in certain cases invasive animal procedures are necessary. Ethical issues associated with research in humans and other animals can evoke strong controversy, yet animal research is presently our only means of answering certain critical questions that we hope will lead to improved therapies and/or cures for disease. Federal law mandates adherence to regulations that ensure our research procedures are both humane and justified in terms of their contribution to knowledge and medical practice. Persons who apply for apprenticeship positions at ONPRC should support the ethical conduct of animal research that is carried out in compliance with federal laws and regulations.
State: Oregon
Contact: Mary Zelinski PhD, Associate Professor,td of Reproductive & Developmental Science
Website: http://www.ohsu.edu/people/maryzelinski/afe02d9aaec70d0dbc02086215002 c97
Project Description: Dr. Zelinski and her team are studying the development, growth and maturation of the ovarian follicle and its enclosed oocyte (egg) in nonhuman primates. Current studies center on cryopreservation of ovarian tissue prior to cancer therapy for subsequent transplantation in vivo and/or oocyte maturation in vitro to eventually obtain an offspring. Additional research is focused on preventing follicle and oocyte damage induced by cancer treatments (radiation and chemotherapy) to develop new therapies for preserving fertility in female cancer patients. Lastly, the effects of maternal ingestion of a high fat-high fructose diet during pregnancy on fetal and juvenile ovarian development are being explored. Studies on the basic processes whereby follicular growth is stimulated and disrupted are aimed at producing novel agents to alleviate infertility or control fertility. The teacher/intern will learn cellular approaches to studying ovarian function in the rhesus monkey, including how to use general laboratory equipment as well as the techniques of cryopreservation, ovarian hormone assays, immunohistochemistry, image analysis, and statistical analyses of experimental data. The Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC) is an institute of Oregon Health & Science University, located on OHSU’s West Campus, in Beaverton, OR. One of seven National Primate Research Centers located throughout the country and supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), ONPRC serves as a national resource to biomedical scientists who require nonhuman primate models for their research. To learn more about the research programs conducted at ONPRC, visit www.ohsu.edu/onprc The following ONPRC scientists are interested in mentoring a high school teacher during the summers of 2021 and 2022. If you are interested in partnering with one or more of these scientists, please contact Diana Gordon (503-346-5055 or gordondi@ohsu.edu). Research that takes place at ONPRC/OHSU is undertaken to improve understanding of human health and disease. Animal models are essential in this pursuit, and applicants need to be aware that in certain cases invasive animal procedures are necessary. Ethical issues associated with research in humans and other animals can evoke strong controversy, yet animal research is presently our only means of answering certain critical questions that we hope will lead to improved therapies and/or cures for disease. Federal law mandates adherence to regulations that ensure our research procedures are both humane and justified in terms of their contribution to knowledge and medical practice. Persons who apply for apprenticeship positions at ONPRC should support the ethical conduct of animal research that is carried out in compliance with federal laws and regulations.
State: Oregon
Contact: Lisa Vrooman, Ph.D., Assistanttd, Division of Reproductive and Developmental Sciences
Website: https://ohsu.edu/people/lisa-vrooman-phd
Project Description: The Vrooman lab focuses on understanding and improving the molecular, cellular, and long-term physiological outcomes of offspring conceived by in vitro fertilization (IVF). A priority research question is determining how ‘exposures’ during critical windows of development, like IVF, can contribute to pregnancy/neonatal complications, and even lead to negative long-term health issues later in adulthood. The Vrooman lab leverages the power of the mouse model to conduct translational research with the goal of optimizing protocols to improve maternal and fetal outcomes. We and others have previously shown that mice conceived by IVF have placental defects and reduced fetal weight. We are interested in determining if antioxidant supplementation in embryo culture media may reduce these known adverse placental and fetal effects. The teacher/intern will learn reproductive biology and experimental design in a mouse-model of in vitro fertilization, as well as gain expertise in laboratory protocols using mouse tissues, including quantitative PCR, in situ hybridization, imaging, and data analysis.
State: Oregon
Contact: Andrew Dawes
Email: dawes@pacificu.edu
Phone: 503-352-3171
Website: http://www.pacificu.edu/as/physics/faculty/Dr.AndrewM.C.Dawes.cfm
Project Description: Research Interests: The photonics and quantum optics research group studies light-matter interactions, specifically the effects that arise when coherent (laser) light interacts with atoms in the vapor state. Current projects include atom cooling and trapping, nonlinear wavelength conversion, and optical pattern formation. Future projects will also include more fundamental explorations of quantum optical effects as we develop new techniques for measuring the quantum state of light.
State: Oregon
Contact: James Butler, Department of Physics
Email: jjbutler@pacificu.edu
Phone: 503-352-2035
Website: http://www.pacificu.edu/as/physics/faculty/james_butler.cfm
Project Description: Research Interests: The nonlinear optics group does experimental studies of materials whose optical properties depend on the intensity of light incident upon them. Currently the group is working on projects in two primary areas: (1) Optical Limiters where the goal is to do the basic science research that will help in the development of materials that can protect sensitive equipment (including human eyes) from high intensity laser damage and (2) the development and characterization of Quantum Dots that have the potential to be used as tools in performing diagnostic measurements of cancer cells.
State: Oregon
Contact: David Ji, Assistant Professor,td Department
Email: David.Ji@oregonstate.edu
Phone: 541-829-2569
Website: http://chemistry.oregonstate.edu/ji
Project Description: We work on solutions for high energy and power batteries based on device-level methodologies and chemistries. One approach is to prepare light, highly conductive and robust 3D monoliths as electrode current collectors. We draw upon preparation techniques from sol-gel chemistry, solid-state chemistry, and nano-fabrication methods, including e-beam, and atomic layer deposition. We also work on novel high-energy capacitors with a mechanistic combination of the advantages of capacitors and batteries. We are interested in investigating electrochemical phenomena on tailored material platforms, such as electrodeposition, solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) formation, electrical double layers, and their applications in energy storage and conversion.
State: Oregon
Contact: Douglas Keszler, Director, Center fortd Materials Chemistry
Email: douglas.keszler@oregonstate.edu
Phone: 541-737-6736
Website: http://sustainablematerialschemistry.org
Project Description: Summer research opportunities are primarily focused on the study and development of aqueous based chemistries of interest for the production of advanced electronic materials. Research is conducted through the Center for Sustainable Materials Chemistry, which offers programs for advancing student achievement in Oregon high schools.
State: Oregon
Contact: Jerri Bartholomew, Professor/Directortd L. Fryer Salmon Disease Laboratory
Email: Jerri.Bartholomew@oregonstate.edu
Phone: 541-737-1856
Website: http://microbiology.science.oregonstate.edu/fac_bartholomew
Project Description: Professor Bartholomew is the director of the John L. Fryer Salmon Disease Laboratory, and her research focuses on diseases in salmon, specifically the pathogens that affect the health of wild Pacific salmon populations, particularly myxozoan parasites, which have a complex life cycle, requiring both a fish and annelid host.
State: Oregon
Contact: Rich G. Carter, Professor and Chair oftd Department
Email: rich.carter@oregonstate.edu
Phone: 541-737-9486
Website: http://www.chemistry.oregonstate.edu/carter/
Project Description: Our group is interested in the development of new reactions in organic chemistry and their application to natural products. In our reaction development, we have been recently focused on an environmentally friendly family of organocatalysts call proline sulfonamides. These catalysts have significant potential to provide safer and chemical alternatives to traditional chemical processes. Our natural product work is focused on the development of new therapeutic leads - including in the areas of cancer and Alzheimer's disease as well as new antibiotics.
State: Oregon
Contact: Malgorzata Peszynska, Professor,td of Mathematics
Email: mpesz@math.oregonstate.edu
Phone: 541-737-9847
Website: http://www.math.oregonstate.edu/~mpesz/
Project Description: M. Peszynska's research is in applied and computational mathematics with applications in geosciences and alternative energy engineering such as mathematical and computational modeling of carbon dioxide sequestration, or groundwater flow, contamination, and remediation, or solar cells. She is working on problems which involve computations at microscopic scales using x-ray images of rock and engineered materials as well as at large scales. Some new computational models that she is developing involve fluid particles and change transport in semiconductors. Peszynska‘s interdisciplinary projects and educational activities in computational and applied mathematics attract many students and are open to further participants from high school.
State: Oregon
Contact: Kerry Mc Phail, Associate Professor oftd Chemistry
Email: kerry.mcphail@oregonstate.edu
Phone: 541-737-5808
Website: http://pharmacy.oregonstate.edu/faculty-staff/directory/kerry-l-mcphail
Project Description: Structurally complex natural products from diverse biological organisms continue to be a critical source of new chemical entities that serve as lead compounds for drug development and as molecular research probes. Taking advantage of recent advances in a range of analytical techniques, with an emphasis on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry, our laboratory focuses on the discovery and characterization of natural products relevant to cancer and infectious disease research.
State: Oregon
Contact: Rebecca Skalsky, PhD, Assistanttd, Vaccine & Gene Therapy Institute
Email: skalsky@ohsu.edu
Phone: 503-418-2811
Project Description: Dr. Skalsky’s lab is focused on understanding how chronic virus infections, such as Epstein-Barr virus infection, lead to the development of lymphoproliferative disease and cancers including B cell lymphoma. Elucidating molecular mechanisms that participate in virus-host dynamics is essential in developing approaches to prevent and treat viral disease. Current studies are centered on defining the role of RNA interference and non-coding RNAs in anti-viral responses, virus persistence, and oncogenic processes. Ongoing projects employ genome-wide molecular, biochemical, and bioinformatics-based strategies to examine how non-coding RNAs critically impact cell-state transitions and govern aspects of the viral life cycle that contribute to pathogenesis. The teacher/intern will learn a variety of RNAi-centric molecular and biochemical methods to experimentally investigate targets of non-coding RNAs, specifically those produced by EBV and the non-human primate homolog, rhesus LCV. Techniques include cell culture, qRT-PCR, molecular cloning, immunoblotting, and luciferase assays. The Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC) is an institute of Oregon Health & Science University, located on OHSU’s West Campus, in Beaverton, OR. One of seven National Primate Research Centers located throughout the country and supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), ONPRC serves as a national resource to biomedical scientists who require nonhuman primate models for their research. To learn more about the research programs conducted at ONPRC, visit www.ohsu.edu/onprc The following ONPRC scientists are interested in mentoring a high school teacher during the summers of 2021 and 2022. If you are interested in partnering with one or more of these scientists, please contact Diana Gordon (503-346-5055 or gordondi@ohsu.edu). Research that takes place at ONPRC/OHSU is undertaken to improve understanding of human health and disease. Animal models are essential in this pursuit, and applicants need to be aware that in certain cases invasive animal procedures are necessary. Ethical issues associated with research in humans and other animals can evoke strong controversy, yet animal research is presently our only means of answering certain critical questions that we hope will lead to improved therapies and/or cures for disease. Federal law mandates adherence to regulations that ensure our research procedures are both humane and justified in terms of their contribution to knowledge and medical practice. Persons who apply for apprenticeship positions at ONPRC should support the ethical conduct of animal research that is carried out in compliance with federal laws and regulations.
State: Oregon
Contact: Larry Sherman, PhD, Senior Scientist,td of Neuroscience
Project Description: Dr. Sherman's lab is focused on understanding ways to promote the repair of the damaged nervous system in a number of conditions including multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's Disease, and following chemical insults including cancer chemotherapy drugs and heavy drinking. The Sherman lab discovered that a sugar molecule, called hyaluronan (HA), regulates how neural stem cells and progenitor cells differentiate and proliferate, and that abnormal synthesis and degradation of HA prevents nervous system repair. A major goal of the lab is to develop novel strategies to promote nervous system repair by altering the catabolism of HA. They are currently looking at gene therapy, stem cell-based therapies, and drug discovery approaches to achieve this goal. The successful candidate will be expected to actively participate in designing, performing and interpreting data from these experiments. Candidates will be included on any publications arising from their time in the laboratory. The teacher/intern will learn a variety of biochemical, molecular and cell biology approaches to address a critical problem in the field of neuroscience research. These techniques will include primary cell culture, RT-PCR, immunocytochemistry, ELISA, and laser confocal microscopy. The Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC) is an institute of Oregon Health & Science University, located on OHSU’s West Campus, in Beaverton, OR. One of seven National Primate Research Centers located throughout the country and supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), ONPRC serves as a national resource to biomedical scientists who require nonhuman primate models for their research. To learn more about the research programs conducted at ONPRC, visit www.ohsu.edu/onprc The following ONPRC scientists are interested in mentoring a high school teacher during the summers of 2021 and 2022. If you are interested in partnering with one or more of these scientists, please contact Diana Gordon (503-346-5055 or gordondi@ohsu.edu). Research that takes place at ONPRC/OHSU is undertaken to improve understanding of human health and disease. Animal models are essential in this pursuit, and applicants need to be aware that in certain cases invasive animal procedures are necessary. Ethical issues associated with research in humans and other animals can evoke strong controversy, yet animal research is presently our only means of answering certain critical questions that we hope will lead to improved therapies and/or cures for disease. Federal law mandates adherence to regulations that ensure our research procedures are both humane and justified in terms of their contribution to knowledge and medical practice. Persons who apply for apprenticeship positions at ONPRC should support the ethical conduct of animal research that is carried out in compliance with federal laws and regulations.
State: Washington
Contact: Alejandro Garcia, Professor of Physics
Email: agarcia3@u.washington.edu
Website: http://faculty.washington.edu/agarcia3
Project Description: We conduct experiments in search for new physics using the nucleus as a probe. Most of our experiments use the local Tandem accelerator. Presently we are working on trapping the short-lived isotope 6He using lasers. The motivation is to search for Tensor currents (a form of new physics predicted by some models that try to illuminate some of the arbitrariness of the Standard Model of particle physics). The participant would learn to tune beam throguh our accelerator, electronics needed for control and data acquisition, the physics of the new phenomena we are searching for, and techniques used for trapping atoms with lasers.
State: Washington
Contact: Shih-Chieh Hsu, Assistant Professor intd
Email: schsu@uw.edu
Phone: 510-529-8657
Website: http://faculty.washington.edu/schsu
Project Description: Project 1: Preparation and commissioning of the ATLAS Pixel Insertable B-Layer at CERN The Insertable B-Layer (IBL) is a new layer of the pixel detector for the ATLAS detector upgrade. The teacher will spend 6-8 weeks at CERN in Geneva in Switzerland to work on the preparation of the IBL detector installation with a focus on the commission of the data acquisition system. Prerequisite skills for the teacher: C/C++ programming in Unix (Solaris or Linux). Project 2: Search for the Supersymmetric Higgs Boson at LHC The discovery of a Standard Model-like Higgs Boson near 126 GeV at LHC is not only consistent with the Standard Model but also with Supersymmetryy. The teacher will generate Monte Carlo events to optimize the search strategy of extra light Higgs Boson as a crucial test of Supersymmetry which predicts a minimal number of five Higgs Bosons. Prerequisite skills for the teacher: C/C++ programming in Unix (Solaris or Linux). Extra comments: Project 1 requires a high school teacher who is willing to spend his stipend to be based at CERN. It costs $840/week to be based at CERN. Project 2 is a pure computing project and the teacher can even work remotely.
State: Washington
Contact: Champak Chatterjee, Assistant Professortd Chemistry
Email: chatterjee@chem.washington.edu
Phone: 206-543-2349
Website: http://blogs.uw.edu/champak1
Project Description: My lab is interested in understanding how chemical changes to proteins inside our cells can influence their structure and function. We combine the tools of protein chemistry and molecular biology to make chemically modified proteins that we then study in biochemical and biophysical experiments in our lab. The precise project details would be arranged based on mutual interest, and would involve elemnts of chemical synthesis as well as protein expression in bacteria.
State: Washington
Contact: Sarah L. Keller, Ph. D., Adjuncttd of Physics
Email: keller@chem.washington.edu
Phone: 206-543-9613
Website: http://faculty.washington.edu/clkeller
Project Description: My laboratory uses concepts from biophysics and physical chemistry to investigate self-assembling soft condensed matter systems. Recently, our research has focused on how simple lipid mixtures within bilayer membranes give rise to complex phase behavior. Further descriptions can be found on our websites.
State: Washington
Contact: D. Michael Heinekey
Email: heinekey@chem.washington.edu
Phone: 206-543-7522
Website: http://depts.washington.edu/chem
Project Description: Projects are in inorganic and organic chemistry. Focus is on catalysis of reactions such as hydrogenation, particularly of biomass derived substances such as carbohydrates. Some of this work occurs under the auspices of a catalysis center funded by the National Science Foundation. (See the website above for more details).
State: Washington
Contact: Frantisek Turecek
Email: turecek@chem.washington.edu
Phone: 206-685-2041
Project Description: My research is in analytical chemistry, specifically in developing new methods in mass spectrometry for structure determination and sensitive detection of peptides, proteins, and enzymatic products. My group has expertise in instrument design, method development, mechanistic studies, and computations.
State: Washington
Contact: Allison Coffin, Integrative Physiologytd Neuroscience
Email: allison.coffin@wsu.edu
Phone: 360-546-9748
Website: https://labs.wsu.edu/allison-coffin/
Project Description: Each summer, male midshipman fish in the Pacific NW produce sound to attract mates. During the breeding season, the female fish’s hearing changes so she is better able to detect the sounds from the male, helping her select the best mate. Our project asks how seasonal changes in estrogen in female midshipman fish leads to changes in the fish’s auditory system. This project combines some field work to collect animals with cell, molecular, and physiology research to understand how hormones influence hearing. Our work also has biomedical relevance, as estrogen can modulate human hearing and reduce hearing loss.
State: Washington
Contact: Niels H. Andersen
Email: andersen@chem.washington.edu
Phone: 206-543-7099
Website: http://depts.washington.edu/chem/people/faculty/andersen.html
Project Description: The Andersen laboratory provides opportunities for high school chemistry and biology teachers to observe (and participate in) molecular modeling as a guide for understanding biomolecular recognition phenomena. This is a key feature for designing molecules that bind at therapeutic targets and for understanding protein folding and misfolding. Participants also synthesize and purify peptide ligands and models of secondary structure motifs.
State: Washington
Contact: Gabriele Varani
Email: varani@chem.washington.edu
Phone: 206-543-7133
Website: http://depts.washington.edu/chem/people/faculty/varani.html
Project Description: We study the structure of RNA and RNA-binding proteins to understand the molecular basis for their biological function. We use this knowledge to discover small drug-like molecules that target RNAs with essential functions in the development of chronic and infectious diseases such as cancer and HIV. We use spectroscopic and computational methods to analyze the structure, as well as biochemical and cell-based techniques to assay biological function.
State: Washington
Contact: Verónica S. Di Stilio
Email: distilio@uw.edu
Phone: 206-616-5567
Website: http://faculty.washington.edu/distilio/
Project Description: Over evolutionary time-scales, plants have adapted to the terrestrial environment in striking ways. The successful adaptations that have enabled diversification are known as key innovations. We strive to explore the genetic underpinnings of key innovations, with a focus on flowers and the evolution of different flower types. To that end we explore the evolution of genes that pattern flowers and of those that enable adaptation to different pollinator types. Our lab can provide training on wet lab as well as greenhouse activities. We will work with DNA, gene expression and function, and prepare hands-on activities on pollination syndrome and case studies on domestication, such as double flowers.
State: Washington
Contact: Douglas Walsh, Professor of Entomology,td. of Entomology
Email: dwalsh@wsu.edu
Website: http://ipm.wsu.edu/seedcrops/seedcrops.html
Project Description: We conduct research on the biology and foraging behaviors of the pollinators of alfalfa produced for seed. The alklali bee Nomia meladeri is a solitary native ground nesting bee that has been domesticated and managed by alfalfa seed growers in the Walla Walla Valley to provide pollination services in their fields of alfalfa being produced for seed. There are more than 20 geographically distinct managed alkali bee beds in the Walla Walla Valley. The participant will capture bees from these geographically isolated sites and perform a pcr-based test on sperm within mated adult female bees to determine the number of times these bees mate. Older literature, based on observational data in the 1950s cites that alkali bee females mate only once. This was similar to observational studies on honey bees Apis melifera. New techniques have determined that honey bee queens mate on average 9 to 12 times during their nuptial flights. Employing new molecular-based techniques on the sperm contained within mated alkali bees will determine if alkali bees truly mate only once, or if the old observational data was incorrect and the bees mate multiple times. Either conclusion will result in a potential publishable manuscript.
State: Washington
Contact: Vincent Hebert, Laboratory Researchtd, WSU Food and Environmental Quality Laboratory
Email: vhebert@wsu.edu
Website: http://feql.wsu.edu
Project Description: Research focus is on the fate and transport of man-made chemicals in air, water, and soil. Regional projects also evaluate benefits of plant natural products in wine and agricultural crops. Chemical separation techniques using gas and liquid chromatography with a wide variety detection systems are employed in laboratory research investigations.
State: Washington
Contact: Stephen Bollens, Professor andtd, School of the Environment
Email: sbollens@wsu.edu
Phone: 360-546-9116
Project Description: Dr. Bollens' research is broadly concerned with the ecology of marine and estuarine zooplankton and fish, and spans the sub-disciplines of behavior, population biology, community ecology and ecosystem dynamics. His research often has an applied aspect to it, touching upon such areas as conservation biology, restoration ecology, fisheries oceanography, global change, and invasive species. He employs a wide variety of approaches to “doing science”, including field (observational), modeling and experimental techniques.
State: Washington
Contact: Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, Associatetd Professor, School of the Environment
Email: rollboll@vancouver.wsu.edu
Project Description: Dr. Rollwagen-Bollens' research interests fall broadly within Biological Oceanography and Aquatic Ecology, with a focus on the community ecology of zooplankton, in particular the role of mesozooplankton (organisms < 2mm in size) and microzooplankton (organisms
State: Washington
Contact: Craig Moyer, Professor of Biology
Email: cmoyer@hydro.biol.wwu.edu
Website: http://fire.biol.wwu.edu/cmoyer/research.html
Project Description: Professor Moyer's interests are marine microbiology and geomicrobiology focusing on molecular approaches for exploring microbial diversity, community structure and ecological interactions. Presently, his lab is focused on the study of iron-oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria acting as the ecosystem engineers in microbial mats found at strong redox boundaries, including seep, spring and vent habitats. The lab is also examining the evolutionary divergence of surface and deep subsurface Zetaproteobacteria in hydrothermal systems.
State: Washington
Contact: Gary Chang, Biology Department
Email: chang@gonzaga.edu
Phone: 509-313-6637
Website: https://connect.gonzaga.edu/chang
Project Description: The European wool carder bee is an introduced, solitary bee species with territorial males. Our research seeks to evaluate whether attacks by wool carder bees alter the behavior and abundance of other local pollinators. Our primary method of data collection will be to observe the behavior of bees in campus gardens, supplemented by field experimentation and mathematical modeling.
State: Washington
Contact: Tim Sorey, Associate Professor,td
Email: tim.sorey@cwu.edu
Phone: 509-925-2814
Website: https://www.cwu.edu/chemistry/tim-sorey
Project Description: The use of analytical instrumentation in chemistry has revolutionized measurement, identification, and evaluation of chemical systems. Today, measurement technology plays an important role in everyday life, ranging from digital thermometry in the kitchen to Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for measuring the distance a family has traveled during summer vacation. As a result, social relevance of measurement technology has increased numerical literacy, also referred to as “numeracy.” Chemical Education research must play an increasingly important role in offering fellow colleagues accurate and precise ways to determine ‘good fit' when integrating measurement technology into their educational laboratory programs. To contribute to the field of chemistry, our group is interested in a research program that includes the continuous development, assessment, and dissemination of: Curricular materials that incorporate measurement technology for student inquiry. Student learning models and teaching methods that increase student's numeracy in the lab. Professional development models that establish and sustain communities of practice for K-20 teachers.
State: Washington
Contact: Bre MacInnes, Assistant Professor,td Sciences
Email: breanyn.macinnes@cwu.edu
Phone: 509-925-2827
Website: http://www.geology.cwu.edu/facstaff/macinnes/
Project Description: Coastal geomorphology and stratigraphy Tsunami sedimentology; paleotsunami stratigraphy; tsunami modeling Active sedimentary processes Subduction zone processes and neotectonics My long-term research goal is to understand the effect of geologic catastrophes (such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions) on short-term and long-term coastal landscape evolution and maritime cultures, with a focus on island coastlines.
State: Washington
Contact: Susan Kaspari, Associate Professor,td Sciences
Email: susan.kaspari@cwu.edu
Phone: 509-925-2738
Website: http://www.geology.cwu.edu/facstaff/kaspari/
Project Description: My primary research interest is investigating the role that black carbon plays in current and past climate change. Black carbon is a dark absorptive particle produced by the incomplete combustion of fossil and bio-fuels. In the atmosphere black carbon absorbs energy and causes atmospheric heating, while black carbon deposited on snow and ice causes darkening of the surface, resulting in greater absorption of solar energy, heating of the snow/ice, and accelerated snow and glacier melt. Black carbon is a major contributor to observed climate warming, but remains a large source of uncertainty in analyses of climate change. My research group works to: Assess black carbon concentrations in the present and past atmosphere, and investigate the impact of atmospheric black carbon on climate. Evaluate the extent to which black carbon deposited on snow and glacier surfaces can accelerate melt. An important aspect of this research includes assessing the relative importance of black carbon and other light absorbing impurities (LAI) in reducing snow albedo. LAI include black carbon, mineral dust, and colored organics.
State: Washington
Contact: Anne Johansen, Professor, Chemistry
Email: anne.johansen@cwu.edu
Phone: 509-925-2164
Website: https://www.cwu.edu/chemistry/anne-johansen
Project Description: My students and I are currently working on three funded project that focus on different aspects of atmospheric chemistry: Iron in the Marine Atmosphere: Of special interest to me is the study of trace metals over remote areas of the open ocean. Continentally derived material in the form of dust is subjected to in-cloud processing, similar to weathering of rocks, whereby trace elements are released into the aqueous phase of the particle. Speciation of these elements, especially that of iron, may determine the selective uptake by marine organisms which in turn play an important role in the biogeochemical cycling of major elements and can this affect global climate. However, the detailed mechanisms that control iron speciation in the marine atmosphere remain largely unknown. Our approach is based on the interpretation of reliable field and laboratory observations. Students participate in month-long research cruises with scientists from many parts of the world and from a range of different disciplines. Laboratory analyses include Liquid Wave Core Capillary (LWCC) spectrometry, Ion Chromatography (IC), Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS), and Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (SIRMS). This field data is then interpreted in conjunction with results obtained from photochemical simulation experiments in the laboratory. Funding for this research comes from NSF (Advance Fellows Award 2002-2006; Atmospheres, 2009 - 2011) Ultra Fine Particulate (UFP) Matter and Health Effects: Atmospheric ultrafine particulates from automotive emissions and other human activities have recently been recognized as a significant global health hazard. These ubiquitous nanometer sized pollutants, once inhaled, penetrate cellular membranes and disrupt major metabolic processes that lead ultimately to cell death. In collaboration with CWU colleague Carin Thomas (biochemist) we investigate the presence of surface transition metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on UFPs and correlating these to possible toxicological mechanisms. We collect UFPs in urban and rural areas of Washington State and analyze them for surface iron speciation and PAHs using LWCC (see above), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), and Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS). Simultaneously, their toxicological effects are tested in vitro on beef heart mitochondria. This project was funded by NIH for three years (2005-2008) and work has continued in a somewhat different direction. Long-term Study of Precipitation and High Elevation Lakes Chemistry in Mt. Rainier National Park: The impact of anthropogenic pollutants in sensitive high elevation locations in Mt Rainier National Park has been studied in precipitation and lake water samples since 1989. The main focus lies in identifying trends as a consequence of increasing population density and overall climate change. Weekly precipitation samples, and lake water samples collected during the summer are analyzed for major anions, cations, pH and conductivity. The project is extremely amenable for undergraduate student involvement as they are directly exposed to the complete process from data collection, to sample preparation and analysis, data manipulation and interpretation, and reporting. Students gain valuable experience on a series of analytical instrumentation and learn how to process raw data to obtain a statistically interpretable data set. Funding for this work comes from the National Park Service (2007 - 2012).
State: Washington
Contact: Paul James, Professor, Biology
Email: jamesp@cwu.edu
Phone: 509-925-1895
Website: http://www.cwu.edu/biology/biology-faculty
Project Description: My research interests include stream ecology and fish biology. I have ongoing projects involving studies of the population dynamics and spawning behavior of trout and salmon. I am also interested in having students work with me on field studies that involve the habitat preference and home range size of stream fishes. In addition to projects on fishes, I am interested in the ecology of aquatic invertebrates such as insects and zooplankton that inhabit local streams and lakes.
State: Washington
Contact: Levente Fabry-Asztalos, Professor,td
Email: Levente.fabry-asztalos@cwu.edu
Phone: 509-925-2887
Website: https://www.cwu.edu/chemistry/levente-fabry-asztalos
Project Description: My research group is interested in addressing biologically and medically important questions. The focal point of our research is the design and synthesis of small molecule inhibitor scaffolds against therapeutically important enzymes. Our goal is to find orally active inhibitors that could become lead compounds for further drug discovery. During this process, we are developing new and improving already known synthetic chemistry methodologies. To achieve our goals we use all the modern tools of medicinal chemistry and organic synthesis. We are developing inhibitor scaffolds against enzymes responsible for the proliferation of disease states such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, and malaria. Also, as a joint research effort with a computer science group we develop and extensively test new molecular modeling and computational chemistry techniques. This endeavor centers on molecular modeling, as well as computational intelligence techniques, which include neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation, and biology inspired computational models.
State: Washington
Contact: Kristina Ernest, Professor, Biology
Email: ernestk@cwu.edu
Phone: 509-925-2805
Website: http://www.cwu.edu/biology/biology-faculty
Project Description: As a community ecologist, I am interested in the ways in which species interact with one another. My research program involves various aspects of plant-herbivore interactions. Past projects have investigated effects of herbivores on plants (e.g., balsamroot), herbivore selection of plant individuals, plant responses to herbivores, and overall levels of herbivory in forest canopies. I am also interested in research on dwarf mistletoe in central Washington. Students could work in the field or lab on topics associated with my research or devise (with my assistance) projects of their own interest in community ecology. Potential topics include effects of beavers on the trees they consume, the food-caching behavior of mountain beavers, effects of pocket gophers on shrub steppe plant communities, and interactions between willows and gall-forming sawflies.
State: Washington
Contact: Anthony Diaz, Department Chair andtd, Chemistry
Email: Anthony.diaz@cwu.edu
Phone: 509-925-2818
Website: https://www.cwu.edu/chemistry/anthony-diaz
Project Description: My research involves the study of electron-hole (e-h) pair transport and trapping in doped luminescent materials under vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) excitation. Excitation by VUV radiation leads to the formation of an e-h pair in the host. In order for luminescence to occur this e-h pair must be trapped by the rare earth dopant. However, the electron may also be trapped by bulk killers (impurities or defects), or it may be lost to surface states. The purpose of our research is to quantify the fate of the e-h pair after absorption of a VUV photon takes place. Developing a detailed understanding of electron transport processes in solids is important to a wide variety of fields within materials science, including the development of display and lighting materials, dye-sensitized solar cells and transparent conductors. Functioning devices based on these technologies often require the transport of electrons through an oxide insulator. Although a fairly large number of useful materials have been developed for these applications, relatively little is known about the fundamental factors governing these processes.
State: Washington
Contact: Jennifer Dechaine-Berkas, Departmenttd, Science Education, Associate Professor, Biology
Email: Jennifer.dechaine-berkas@cwu.edu
Phone: 509-925-2878
Website: http://www.cwu.edu/biology/biology-faculty
Project Description: My research bridges ecology, evolution, and genetics to examine mechanisms of how plants adapt to their environment. My current major project is working with several other institutions investigating the genes underlying plant response to environmental stress, such as the stress of drought, low nutrients, flooding, salt, and other agriculturally important environmental factors. A better understanding of plant stress response is essential for our ability to continue producing food for an increasing human population and as the climate changes. Teachers working with me in the summer would be part of our team studying drought effects on sunflower. Most of the work is outside in an agricultural field in Ellensburg, WA. Duties would include working with the rest of the team, planting, collecting data, and maintaining the field. Please contact me for more information.
State: Washington
Contact: Timothy Beng, Assistant Professor,td
Email: timothy.beng@cwu.edu
Phone: 509-925-1126
Website: https://www.cwu.edu/chemistry/timothy-beng
Project Description: Research in our laboratories focuses mainly on the design of cutting-edge, time-honored, atom-economical, modular, and efficient strategies for regio- and stereocontrolled construction and functionalization of nitrogen-, oxygen-, and sulfur-containing heterocycles, for eventual application in natural and unnatural product synthesis. Through these efforts, we push existing chemical reactivity modes to the limit and develop new reaction manifolds. Stereoselectivity is one of the most important challenges facing the modern synthetic organic chemist. It is critical to the pharmaceutical industry, since most drugs are chiral, and must be produced in enantiopure form for FDA evaluation. Mechanistic understanding of developing methodology is necessary in order to advance the arena of stereoselective synthesis through rational design. Short-Term Goals: To measure the dynamics of carbanion and enolate inversion of selected synthetically relevant chiral organometallic compounds. To explore the regioselective and stereoselective functionalization of α-halo eneformamides in the context of large ring azaheterocycles such as azacyclotridecanes. To investigate the carbolithiation/alkylation of α-substituted cyclic enecarbamates. To explore the hydro(amino)alkylation of in situ-generated homoallylic lactamoyl alcohols. To investigate the aminative ring-opening of novel vinylogous dehydrothiomorpholinonates. Long-Term Goals: To expand the scope of dynamic resolutions of organometallic species through rational design of substrates and ligands. To apply newly developed synthetic methodologies to the synthesis of fused biologically relevant aza and oxa-polycyclic architectures, including benzazepanes, phenanthrazepanes, lehmizidines, quinolizidines, indolizidines, dihydropyrones, bicyclic morpholines, polycyclic piperazines, and thiomorpholines. Characterization Techniques: 400 MHz (or higher) NMR, GC-MS or LC-MS, HPLC or SFC (chiral columns are desirable), IR spectroscopy, Microwave reactor, HRMS, X-ray diffractometer.
State: Washington
Contact: Stephanie Porter, School of Biologicaltd
Email: stephanie.porter@wsu.edu
Phone: 360-546-9478
Website: https://labs.wsu.edu/stephanie-porter/
Project Description: My lab is developing a new model system to investigate how plant microbiomes are structured. We are competing fluorescently labeled strains of bacteria as they “battle” to colonize plant roots. We can change environmental conditions (light levels, nutrient levels, toxin levels, etc) to see how this affects which strains win, which we can visualize by seeing which color the roots glow. I’d love to work with a high school teacher to develop a scalable “glowing microbiome competition arena” assay on plant roots that they could potentially involve high school students in for future years. Is there a teacher who might be interested in joining us to study plant and bacterial symbiotic microbiomes are structured?
State: Washington
Contact: Bin Yang, Bioproducts, Sciences &td Laboratory
Email: bin.yang@wsu.edu
Phone: 509-372-7640
Website: https://labs.wsu.edu/bin-yang/
Project Description: Dr. Yang currently holds the Fulbright-Aalto University Distinguished Chair in Energy and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (2019-2020). He is a recipient of the DARPA Young Faculty Award of 2011. He has dedicated most of his career to the development of renewable energy technologies with particular emphasis on production of biofuels and chemicals from cellulosic biomass feedstocks and other sustainable resources. His major research interests include understanding fundamental mechanism of bioprocessing technologies, advancing cutting-edge technologies, and facilitating the commercialization process as well as improving our knowledge of emerging technologies to meet near and long-term needs worldwide. His current research focuses on pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, and conversion technologies that accelerate commercial application of biomass processing to cellulosic and lignin fuels and biobased products. Green process engineering on biofuels and bioproducts has been the focus.
State: Washington
Contact: Joey Key, Physical Sciences
Email: joeykey@uw.edu
Phone: 425-352-5497
Website: https://sites.uw.edu/joeykey/
Project Description: Gravitational Wave Astronomy Data Analysis Gravitational wave astronomy is a new way to explore our Universe including observations of binary black hole systems and the mergers of neutron stars. Sophisticated data analysis and parameter estimation techniques are required to identify and characterize gravitational wave signals. The gravitational wave astronomy research group at the University of Washington Bothell works on data analysis projects with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory (LIGO), the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational waves (NANOGrav), and the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). Research projects require development in Python, remote data access, and collaboration with students and researchers to master the basics of gravitational wave astronomy, data analysis techniques, and science communication skills.
State: Washington
Contact: Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, School oftd Environment
Email: rollboll@wsu.edu
Phone: 360-546-9115
Website: https://labs.wsu.edu/aquatic-ecology/
Project Description: Our new 4-year, $1.6 million grant from the National Science Foundation is supporting research on how management of dams on major rivers in western WA and OR affects water quality and greenhouse gas emissions, and how those biophysical outcomes in turn influence future management decisions. This project is a collaboration between ecologists, economists, and engineers, and we will use reservoir water management as a test-case to understand how the environment, society, and new knowledge interact to shape rule-following, rule-bending and rule-reformulation behaviors. Specifically we are interested in how these behaviors affect aquatic greenhouse gas emissions, water quality, harmful algal blooms, and/or aquatic invasive species in the reservoirs behind dams.