Leadership Now Conference 2025 #

Theme: Co-Creating the Future: How Nonprofits Grow Gardens in Challenging Landscapes
Date: February 11-12, 2025
Location: Hilton, Vancouver, WA
Theme Descriptor #
All the way back there in the Garden, God invited men and women to join Him in the care and development with everything that was originally called good.
Unlike other religions of the ancient world, the Jewish-Christian conception of the world placed human beings as the co-regents of a divine mission, rather than being helpless and hopeless bystanders subject to the violence of nature and the whims of the gods. The challenge is how we join God in creation without fostering God-complexes that forget the God who created and continues to create. God is everywhere and often shows up in unexpected ways. God invites us into a mutual and sacred exchange that transforms us, the people we are called to serve, and the places that we inhabit.
God has always invited us to do something unprecedented with the good gifts He’s given us. And this is why we do what we do in our organizations — we are proud co-creators modeling the brilliance of the One “in Whom we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28).
Sometimes mission-based nonprofits are confronted with problems that seem insurmountable — often doubting that societal change might actually be beyond reach. But time and again, we are encouraged by seemingly impossible conditions that are no-match for the gospel and great ideas coupled with brilliant execution.
Anything is possible when innovation meets capacity building genius. Whether it is being able to de-salinize water to provide drinking water to arid places or experiments in rethinking received wisdom to find new products and services, every nonprofit should be considering ways to reinvent themselves for a sustainable future to serve the common good with the power of the gospel.
Plenary/Mainstage Speakers:
- Tod Bolsinger, speaking on the future of leadership and teams; author of Practicing Change Series – InterVarsity Press
- Alfa Demallesh, entrepreneur with Rising Tide Capital, speaking on the future of entrepreneurship
- Albert Chen, co-founder and CEO of Anago (AI), speaking on the future of AI and technology
- Kaitlyn Schiess, speaking on the future of politics/pluralism; author of The Ballot and the Bible: How Scripture Has Been Used and Abused in American Politics and Where We Go From Here
- Romanita Hairston, CEO of M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
- Kimberly Thornbury, Vice President of Education & Leadership Development, M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Optional Workshop Sessions:
This year, we will offer breakout workshops during an extended lunch session. This will be a working lunch, intended as an opportunity to engage deeply in smaller groups on the following topics:
- The Future of AI – Josh Cheng and Albert Chen, co-founder of Anago AI, Additionally, featuring a testimonial of practical application from Ben Sand, CEO of The Contingent
- The Future of Politics/Pluralism – Kaitlyn Schiess, author of The Ballot and the Bible, and Curtis Chang, author of The After Party: Toward Better Christian Politics
- The Future of Nonprofit HR – Julie Schuh, Vice President of HR at United Grain
- The Future of Christian Higher Education (invitation only) – Tod Bolsinger, author of the Practicing Change Series
- The Future of Science and Faith – Deb Haarsma, President of Biologos
Additional Details:
This year we will welcome a Leadership Now Artist in Residence, Ned Bustard, Artist and Illustrator, who will capture the messages of our gathering in the form of unique commemorative prints.
Eligibility #
Leadership Now is open to Executive Directors/CEOs of faith-based organizations who have received a grant from the Murdock Trust.
For any questions, please reach out to leadershipnow@murdocktrust.org.
The Murdock Trust is grateful for the ongoing support and partnership provided by the Stewardship Foundation.