“We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give.”
– Winston Churchill #

Earlier this year, we received some inspiring news. Even though there was great concern regarding the performance of our economy due to the COVID-19 pandemic, charitable contributions increased by a substantial margin in 2020 according to Giving USA. This speaks to the generous spirit of individuals, families, and communities throughout the Pacific Northwest and broader United States. In times of great challenge, Americans rally to serve those in need.
However, in addition to providing a valuable reminder of the generosity of Americans, this data also shows an important trend that is not always apparent. Giving by individuals accounted for nearly 70% of all charitable donations last year (nearly 80% if you also include what people give through their estates). While these figures may fluctuate some year-to-year, they represent a trend we have observed for a long time. Individuals and families find a way, even in the most challenging of times, to dig down deep and give.
Sometimes people think that “Philanthropy” is the work of foundations or corporations, but in reality, it is so much more. Philanthropy is for everyone.
- When a neighborhood group sews masks for medical volunteers, that’s philanthropy.
- When an individual makes a financial donation to their favorite charity, that’s philanthropy.
- When a family donates or organizes for their local food bank, that’s philanthropy.
- When a church family opens its doors to families displaced by historic wildfires or who have become refugees, and a faith community helps them get back on their feet, that’s philanthropy.
- When a business sponsors a youth sports team or gives its employees time off to volunteer with local nonprofits, that’s philanthropy.
As much as some would like to suggest that giving is only the responsibility of a select few, that is simply not the case. Every year, our organization has the fortunate opportunity to see the positive impact that comes when organizations receive diverse support from a broad constituency of donors.
Our most recent board meeting was no exception, as our program directors and trustees discussed dozens of nonprofits that are finding innovative and sustainable ways to serve the common good thanks to an ecosystem of support from a diverse array of contributors. Our trustees were grateful for the opportunity to bring our support to their efforts, approving 62 grants totaling more than $18.6 million to nonprofits serving the Pacific Northwest. We’ve gathered a handful of examples of these projects below, and you can find a full list of our most recent grantees here.
We are grateful to play a small role in supporting the mission and work of nonprofits of all sizes, but a thriving community takes investment from all of us. As we enter another season of thanksgiving and generosity, we encourage everyone to give creatively. Give generously. Give often. And for that generosity, we give thanks! Or as G.K. Chesterton once observed, “Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
Alaska #
- Facility improvements will provide an increased level of physical and emotional safety for children visiting the Boys and Girls Clubs of Southcentral Alaska.
- A new clinic built by Girdwood Health Clinic will provide valuable services to residents in rural communities.

Idaho #
- New staff will help Lee Pesky Learning Center expand its literacy program to serve more children and teens.
- A new facility, built by Adams County Health Center, will provide improved service to rural community members.

Montana #
- Headwater Economics will have the opportunity to expand its work in conservation and community development through the addition of new staff.
- Community Leadership & Development Inc. will open a new housing facility to serve low-income seniors.
- New staff at the Jack Creek Preserve Foundation will help expand important educational conservation programs.

Oregon #
- New staff will help Bethlehem Inn serve more individuals experiencing homelessness and poverty.
- Boy Scouts of America Oregon Trail Council will be able to serve more children by expanding capacity at Camp Baker.
- A new executive director at ARCS Foundation Oregon will help support scientists and scholars in STEM fields.
- Teens in Grants Pass will gain valuable support as Project Youth+ gains new office space.
- Vulnerable children and families will receive more support as Kindred Partners adds new staff.

Washington #
- Days for Girls International will be able to serve more women and girls around the globe with the addition of new staff.
- A significant technology update will allow Lopez Island Family Resource Center to support underserved individuals, families, and communities more efficiently.
- Facility updates at Meadow Glade Adventist Elementary School will provide a more accessible educational experience for students.
- Seattle JazzED is partnering to co-develop a performing arts and housing center for local youth.
- Researchers across several fields will be able to gather data more quickly as the University of Washington adds new Photonic Sensing Equipment.
- A new facility from Compass Health will help provide mental health services to the local community.
- Individuals with disabilities will gain increased support from Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center as the facility adds new staff.

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