We are pleased to share that at the Murdock Trust Fall Grants Meeting,
Trustees approved 94 grants totalling $21,936,640 to nonprofit organizations across the Pacific Northwest. #
As we enter the first months of 2024 with expectation for what our communities can accomplish together, we invite you to read this report as a reminder of the power of the nonprofit sector. From new interns and staff to facility renovations that will support expansion and accessibility, our nonprofits are growing together. They are leaning into challenges, celebrating successes, and joining hands to serve the communities they live in and love. We are grateful for every chance to enter the journey with them. Here’s to a promising 2024 together!
A full list of our most recent grants can be found at the bottom of this page.
Featured Grantees #
Alaska #
Alaska Black Caucus #

A new Equity Center will help support the constitutional rights of the Black community in Alaska.
Alaska Christian College #

Interns supported by the Murdock Trust Vision & Call program are serving in a variety of ways around campus.
Idaho #
Genesis Community Health #

A new facility will offer space to provide comprehensive healthcare for low-income, uninsured individuals in the western Treasure Valley.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Kootenai County #

Thanks to renovations and expansion of the Clubhouse, children will have more options for nurturing connection, learning, and growth.
University of Idaho #

Instrumentation and training for the Ecoflux lab at the University of Idaho will aid deep soil research.
Montana #
Mountain Home Montana #

Facility renovations for Mountain Home Montana will expand opportunities to support young mothers and their children in overcoming generational poverty and trauma.
Glacier Institute #

A new and improved Big Creek Outdoor Education Center will inspire connection to the natural world for thousands of students and their families every year.
Oregon #
German International School #

Facility renovations will create important and safe spaces of learning for this international school’s Beaverton and Portland community.
Sitka Center for Art & Ecology #

New technology will help this nonprofit connect more artists and scientists in Otis.
Institute for Applied Ecology #

Capital projects around the Institute’s headquarters in Corvallis will strengthen restoration, research, and education programs.
Centro Cultural #

New staff will build sustainable organizational support for Centro Cultural’s team so they can continue to serve the Latino community of Portland.
Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest #

Internships in the Communications and Development departments, supported by the Murdock Trust Vision & Call program, will strengthen students in discerning a vision for their life and career.
Washington #
SIGN Fracture Care #

Production equipment and shop expansion will help this nonprofit provide underserved patients in 57 countries with orthopaedic surgery to treat fractures and bone deformities.
Seattle Repertory Theatre #

Theater renovations and equipment upgrades will make the arts more accessible to all patrons in Seattle. Photo Credit: Lindsay Thomas
Atlas Free #

New staff and programming support will create opportunities for storytelling that fights the human trafficking enterprise regionally and globally.
Alpha Supported Living Services #

Adults and children living with intellectual and developmental disabilities will be better served through renovations at one of this nonprofit’s homes in Seattle.
St. Martin's University #

Learning lab and classroom renovations will expand St. Martin’s University’s nursing program, building up a new generation of healthcare workers in the region.