Established in 2006, Vision and Call is built on the belief that life’s longer lessons, the ideas that shape commitment and souls, are often best learned through an apprenticeship experience and worked out through a community of mentors and peers. The vision is to equip young adults to consider the direction of their vocation while gaining meaningful ministry or work experience. The program typically targets young adults ages 20-25.

At its core, Vision and Call holds a three-fold purpose: (1) to provide a transforming experience for young adults; (2) to increase the pool of talented emerging leaders entering the workforce; and (3) to educate and empower a commitment to the development of young leaders on the part of Christian organizations. The program is designed to benefit young adults while also adding short and long-term value to participating organizations.

Once a Vision & Call internship program is approved, the Murdock Trust shares costs with each organization, which may participate for up to six years. (Programs are expected to continue beyond our initial support.)

The Murdock Trust funds summer, part-time, and full-time internships, and each internship program is expected to implement the six essentials.

Six Essentials #

  1. A careful intern selection process
  2. The involvement of experienced leaders in mentoring
  3. An “apprenticeship” model of learning
  4. Intentional conversations concerning “vocation and calling” and giftedness
  5. A significant ministry experience/work in the organization
  6. Opportunities to integrate with a larger movement of emerging leaders

Learn more about the six essentials and watch the series of training videos we produced that go into each of the six program essentials we have identified as being critical components of an exemplary internship program.

The Vision and Call Internship Program grant is offered every two years. Contact John Franklin for information.

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